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Use of Fenugreek for milk production

Hi All,

I have a singleton litter. Dam has milk, but NOT as much as I'd like in my girl. A fellow club member told me about the use of Fenugreek... a tip learned from the Myra Savant-Harris seminar. They noted better milk production in their girl.

Wondering what others have found from the use of this product?

What was the dosage given to your dam and how often?

Any feedback much appreciated.


Re: Use of Fenugreek for milk production

I have used fenugreek caspules with great success.

you only need to supplement until the milk comes in and then you can stop.
for a 75 lb bitch start with 3 capsules 3 times a day, if your girls starts to smell like maple syrup you can back off.

Re: Use of Fenugreek for milk production

"Mother's Pudding" is what Myra Savant Harris recommends. It really brings in the milk and the girls absolutely love it. It has never given them loose stools and they drink lots of lots of it. Mix 1 packet vanilla pudding (NOT the instant type, has to be the type you need to cook) 2 cups goats milk & 2 cups organic yogurt (which is twice the amount the packet asks for) & 4 egg yolks. Mix the pudding powder with milk/yogurt, add yolks, mix well and cook stirring constantly. When it just starts to boil turn it off and put a teabag of Fenugreek in. Take the bag out after about 2-3 minutes. Cool the pudding off and give it to the bitch. She can drink as much as she wants. Give a large portion of this each day. Bitches love this stuff, even when they turn their noses on chicken broth and other liquids. I get Fenugreek tea at GNC, or I have used the capsules. If you use capsules I add 4 to the mix. It introduces a nice dose of calcium (helps with lactation and wards off pre-eclampsia), has glucose to help the bitch with keeping her energy up, egg yolks are supposedly acting as a big vitamin and mineral pill in the most easily digestible form. Wild dogs are known to hunt for bird eggs right after whelping. Adding fenugreek is what really helps in situations when the bitch has little or no milk.