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Hamburg, NY show

Infodog shows # of entries, judges, etc. Where can you find the time breeds go in the ring, as well as, names of dogs entered?

Re: Hamburg, NY show

It will probably be posted sometime this week before the show.

Re: Hamburg, NY show

Infodog shows # of entries, judges, etc. Where can you find the time breeds go in the ring, as well as, names of dogs entered?

Names of dogs entered cannot be released until the day of the show.

Re: Hamburg, NY show

On the infodog list, click on the name of the show-giving club on the far left, and on their page click on "judging program". It is currently available. It will give the number of the ring and the ring time. The catalog with names of dogs cannot be published until after judging is complete because the judges are not allowed to see the entries before their assignment.

Re: Hamburg, NY show

Actually, you can usually see the catalog online after the published start time of the show. Results take longer.

Re: Hamburg, NY show

Awesome! I didn;t see this, Thanks Brrrrr

Stay warm!

Re: Hamburg, NY show

Friday - 8:30 AM
Saturday - Noon
Sunday - 8:30 AM

Different ring each day

Re: Hamburg, NY show

Friday - 8:30 AM
Saturday - Noon
Sunday - 8:30 AM

Different ring each day

Why such low entries at this show? The economy?