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Attention: Newsletter Editors

If you are the editor of your club's newsletter, please send me your email address. I can provide you with a copy of an epilepsy article that you can use. TIA

Re: Attention: Newsletter Editors

Joan you are so wonderful for all the PR work you have been doing for our community!

Re: Attention: Newsletter Editors

Joan ~ Thanks for all the information and 'updating' that you do on epilepsy! I am passing your email address on to the all breed club I am active in also. While I know you focus on Labs I know this information is valuable to everyone.

Re: Attention: Newsletter Editors

Joan- this is timely! We have a Retriever Club Breeders seminar on saturday morning and the two themes addressed by Swiss vets are epilepsy and heart disease (TVD & SAS).

Would love to receive your info.