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refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

I sold a puppy to a pre-approved home that had me convenienced they could offer him a wonderful life time forever home. The lady said her college son & 5th grader son could help, and so would her mother who lived down the street.

All was well until the kids went back to school & college after christmas Break, then I get an e-mail, stating they want to bring him back for a full refund; a puppy is more work than expected, owners have to work more hours,etc

In my contract, I state that I will take the puppy or dog back, but will not give refunds. (I have given refunds in the past)

This puppy was reserved at least 2 months in advance, and I turned good homes away, and refered them to other breeders.

So, the new owner wants to keep the puppy until I find him a good home. She is taking good care of the puppy, but just cannot spend adequate time with him, and wants a better home for him. She wants me to find him a good home asap.

My question is this: What would you do??

If she lets me take him back, Do I give her a refund or do I wait until I sell him to a good home, and give her all of the money, or part of the money?

I have talked to some breeders personally, and was told they they will keep part of the money because the puppy buyer tied up the sale of the puppy, which otherwise could have went to an awesome home.

Please advise,



Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

It sounds like it is in the best interest of the puppy to place it in a home that can give it the time it needs. If that requires refunding the purchase price,I would refund the purchase prices less any expenses incurred in placing the dog or caring for it until it is placed. This would mean providing a refund after the pup has been adequately re-homed.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

in situations like this I always take the pup back with the understanding that as soon as I rehome the pup they will get their refund minus the deposit. Never had a family complain about this, they are happy to be getting something back.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

My contract specifically states that the puppy or dog be returned to me,there is no refund and that I will find a suitable home or if necessary keep the puppy/dog myself, and the puppy cannot be placed with someone else without my express written permission, this prevents the puppy being handed off to other homes and bounced around.
In a case I had a couple of years ago I had a puppy returned after a week, I kept the initial deposit as I had turned down others for that specific puppy.

It really depends on what's in your contract. If nothing in your contract ocevers this than I would tell her that the puppy has to be returned and then you will start the process of finding a home for him after you have had time to evaluate his training and other needs, and that depending on that you may offer a refund, minus any fees incurred(food,training, veterinary care,etc) in the process.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

Get the puppy back.

I always offer to refund their money after I have sold the pup. They will get whatever I get. This has only happened a couple of times to me and nobody has ever refused that.

But if they called my bluff then I would pay the full refund. The important thing is to get the puppy back.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

Tell this woman that the reason she is not keeping the puppy is the reason you need to take the puppy back ASAP. Also explain that you must give the next new owner the same consideration you gave them when purchasing this puppy. You will need to take the puppy in to the vet for a check up and fecal. If they don't want to give the puppy up because they are afraid they won't get their money back then ask them why they don't trust you now when they trusted you to be a good breeder when they purchased the pup. I have given some $$ back but not the full amount. You will have expenses taking this puppy back and your time is just as valuable as theirs.
Good Luck and don't trust them that the puppy is in perfect condition. Believe me.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

Once you point out that it is unreasonable to expect someone else to buy the puppy unseen, it may make more sense to these people. Just tell them you will do the very best you can for the puppy, but you need to have it back in order to do that. As for compensation, you can tell them you can't offer a guarantee of a set price on an older pup, but you will be fair.

Try to be a little sympathetic even though you might not feel that way. I don't think you need to refund the money until you find the puppy a new home. You can remind them that Christmas made a big hole in your pocket. I hope all goes well for you.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

If your deposit is noted as "non-refundable", I'd be inclined to keep that for my troubles (assuming you incur no further Vet, food, etc, expenses). My refund is also contingent upon return of AKC paperwork.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

Remember that someone who does not want and/or cannot afford to keep your puppy holds the puppy until you refund the purchase price. They own the puppy. Unless you co-own the puppy (and I surmise that you do not), you cannot tell them what to do with the puppy. They can sell the puppy. They can neglect the puppy. And so on, as you might expect from someone who does not want the puppy.

In retrospect you probably now believe that you made a bad choice when you placed the puppy with them. Fortunately God has given you another chance. Whatever you do, don't make these people mad or the chance to fix things may be taken away.

Regardless of how much money you pay, the puppy pays the price of whatever you choose to do. You brought the puppy into the world, and you made the choice of placement. The law and your contract will not protect the puppy. Only you can do that.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

i´m happy my puppy buyer would inform ME and not place/sell the puppy to someone else. i have always said that my puppies are always wellcome home no questions asked and full payment returned.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

I agree with Dr. Kate and others. The most important thing is to get the puppy!!! Even if it means giving an IOU for the refund.

Not only are you getting that puppy and the family out of a not so perfect situation but your integrity will speak to new families!! The fact that you care so much about where you place your puppies and that you stand by your word to always welcome a puppy back into your home for any reason(I personally would not broadcast that I refunded money) should impress your future families that you are a breeder of your word.

Good luck

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

"Regardless of how much money you pay, the puppy pays the price of whatever you choose to do. You brought the puppy into the world, and you made the choice of placement. The law and your contract will not protect the puppy. Only you can do that."

I agree with Kate. I think the puppy's welfare is the most important thing right now.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

I have only needed to take a puppy back two times.
Both times I told them that I would take the pup back right away. I said that the pup would need to go to my vet for a checkup. After the check up, I would deduct $100 from their purchase price and refund the rest. Both times the folks agreed right away.
Pups were fine and I was able to get them wonderful new forever homes. Hope it works out for you but the most important thing is to get the little guy back with you.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

How old is the puppy?

The only way I would refund the money is if they refuse to bring the puppy back to you without it. I would then offer a 50% refund for turning down others and all of your upcoming work.

These are the times we wonder why we breed even for ourselves. Some people think the puppy will train itself and they can leave them in crates all day no matter what we told them.

I hope it all works out and you don't have to give them a full refund. Perhaps a reminder and copy of your paperwork will shake the rocks in their head back to normalcy.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

very well said....

Kate Fulkerson, PhD
Remember that someone who does not want and/or cannot afford to keep your puppy holds the puppy until you refund the purchase price. They own the puppy. Unless you co-own the puppy (and I surmise that you do not), you cannot tell them what to do with the puppy. They can sell the puppy. They can neglect the puppy. And so on, as you might expect from someone who does not want the puppy.

In retrospect you probably now believe that you made a bad choice when you placed the puppy with them. Fortunately God has given you another chance. Whatever you do, don't make these people mad or the chance to fix things may be taken away.

Regardless of how much money you pay, the puppy pays the price of whatever you choose to do. You brought the puppy into the world, and you made the choice of placement. The law and your contract will not protect the puppy. Only you can do that.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

Kate, that was perfectly stated. Agree 100%.

Kate Fulkerson, PhD
Remember that someone who does not want and/or cannot afford to keep your puppy holds the puppy until you refund the purchase price. They own the puppy. Unless you co-own the puppy (and I surmise that you do not), you cannot tell them what to do with the puppy. They can sell the puppy. They can neglect the puppy. And so on, as you might expect from someone who does not want the puppy.

In retrospect you probably now believe that you made a bad choice when you placed the puppy with them. Fortunately God has given you another chance. Whatever you do, don't make these people mad or the chance to fix things may be taken away.

Regardless of how much money you pay, the puppy pays the price of whatever you choose to do. You brought the puppy into the world, and you made the choice of placement. The law and your contract will not protect the puppy. Only you can do that.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

Just rescue the pup for full price and go from there. If they aren't happy - neither is the pup!

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

Lab Breeder
Just rescue the pup for full price and go from there. If they aren't happy - neither is the pup!

I know I keep a small account for problems like this but I doubt everyone does or can. I struggle to do it. Some of you sell so many pups *Lab Breeder* that a undeserved refund isn't a problem.

What *if* this breeder has a contract that states no refunds and she never ran into this, not breeding as much as some that breed multiple litters yearly?

I agree pay if neccessary. So, if there's no other way to get the pup back sometimes we have to pay for a pup we shouldn't have to.

It's easy to tell someone else what to do, not knowing their circumstances but we do owe the pups all we have to give them a wonderful life.

For those that don't, try to save towards issues like this and be even more cautious screening buyers. Even if you can put away $500 a litter, do it and hopefully let it add up.

I hope they release the puppy for less than full price. They sound like jerks tho and know they have the breeder where the want them.

Too bad it's not a breeder that does the same to their buyers. For instance making them buy foods or supplemenents to keep their guarenty in check. That really pisses me off and they are usually breeders of high volume. There are good & bad apples in breeders and buyers.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

I'm sorry, I don't see it any other way. I do not breed alot, but I would never leave one of mine in a "not so good" position.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

Get the puppy out of there, give them back their money and do what's right for the pup. Witholding money, some money, vet fees is just you trying to punish them or get some kind of control. Get the pup out of there- it is not wanted. How would you like to be unwanted? It is probably in a crate 24/7 or worse yet outside in a kennel or garage all alone.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

One person knows ten and ten people know one hundred. Get the puppy back, pay the price.I would rather have these people say good things about you than tell their friends that you are not standing behind your breeding.If this is the first time this has happen, take the loss, and get the puppy. If you have had this happen many times, then screening better puppy people I would be looking at.
What would you do if someone bought your puppy and the spouse died, the other could not take care of it and wanted to return it, would you not help out and get the puppy back and return the money.

Re: refund or not on puppy that may be coming back

give them the $$$ and get your puppy back later on you'll look back on this and be glad you did.