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6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

I have been researching the forum to see if there is any information on Pano in a 6 week old puppy. She was the most active in a litter of 8, 2 nights ago she starting limping in the rear on the left side. Ran to the vet in the morning for diagnosis and Xray, vet prescribed rest for possible soft tissue injury. This morning she is limping on her front leg on the same side.She seems to be in pain and is not her waggy happy self. Does not even want to be held, just left alone. Her rear leg is still weak but she is walking on it a bit. She is on a puppy food as is her litter mates.We are going back to the vet this morning to Xray all 4 legs and a CBC. The vet thinks Pano, but I wanted to ask you all since everything in the forum says 4 months not 6 weeks for Pano. Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on this. I would be so grateful for any help.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

6 week old pups do not her pano.
I would be more concerned of injury or HOD.
Good luck.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

Is there any swelling or fluid in the joints? Have you ever noticed any fluid or swelling in her at any time?

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

There has been no swelling at all. No fever, eating and drinking fine. Was fine up until Tuesday night. Wormed with Strongid in the AM on Tuesday, 3rd worming no reaction first 2 wormings. Any other suggestions or thoughts. I will look up HOD.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

Is there a fever? I would be very concerned about the possibility of strangles, as it can involved lameness, overall lethargy and your pup is at the right age with the stress from being weaned and possibly getting vaccines. May also be a reaction to a vaccine. Both are probably unlikely, but worth exploring.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

check for lyme

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

This could be strangles - presenting itself in the joints. I would have her checked again right away. I had one like this L.Y. and they diagnosed as HOD, but in the end it was strangles - just didn't present itself with pustules in the beginning. It was very painful and pup was acting withdrawn.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

I also had strangles present the same way in a 7 week old pup. Sat in a corner and acted like he just wanted to be left alone, did end up with a fever and eventually the little bumps popped out inside his ears, none on the face. Ask your vet and let us know what happens, who knows maybe it's a different strain?
Good Luck

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

Vet just called with blood workup results everything normal. Checked for bumps in ears and around mouth for possible strangles. There are none. Puppy seems to be turning her head to the right and just avoiding the left. Could it be neurological? I do not think she is seeing out of the left eye at all. Like I said in the earlier post, this was a normal active 6 week old until sometime Tuesday night. She has not had any shots yet, so it is not vaccine related. She has not been anywhere and no one has been here. This afternoon she was drooling on the left side after drinking water. Their 10 x 20 foot whelping area is safe and has rubber matting on the floor with pine shavings. If anyone can offer anything I would be so grateful. This is breaking my heart. She was my pick, but more than that she was so full of life and was having fun being a puppy now she is separated from her litter mates and walking in circles.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

Very possible neurological, could she have possibly been stepped on (head)? The walking in circles makes me think neurological. Is she eating OK?
Is it possible that this has been an all along problem but the symptoms were buried in the crowd of the other puppies?

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

I'm so sorry your baby is having problems. I know that I would be beside myself with worry. But I also know that my worry often turns out to be unnecessary because puppies are amazingly able to recover from illness and injury. More so than adult dogs. So hold onto that likelihood while you sort through what is wrong.

Turning in circles? Tight little circles without stopping or circling before lying down? Did you vet do a neurological examination? Did he look in her eyes and ears? Test her reflexes?

I've had dogs turn in circles twice. One had an ear infection and recovered after treatment. The other had a bad reaction to Flagyl and recovered after stopping the medication.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

Sounds neurological to me when you mention walking in circles. If it is that makes you wonder what parent produces it.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

Don't be so quick to blame genetics. Most neurological situations such as this are caused by either an accident or most likely oxygen depredation at birth.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

spider bite,,,or other insect...

accident....maybe dropped...

call a good repro vet,,,Dr. very good
with young puppy issues...
just keep looking,,maybe something else will
pop up.....please let us know how it is going...

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

CNM can start as early as 6 weeks.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

I think CNM would be unlikely because the OP's puppy has symptoms on only one side of her body, and CNM causes weakness throughout the body, with more pronounced symptoms in the front legs.

If neurological causes exist, I'd guess that the causes must be locate on the right side of the brain to affect the functioning of the left side of the body. Trauma? Fluid on one side of the brain? Given the possibility of neurological causes, I think you need the skills of a neurologist.

But I still would bet my money on the resilience of the puppy to recover--though the puppy may need some skilled help in that recovery.

Please do let us know what happens. I'll be praying for your puppy. Kate

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

Please let us know what happened to your puppy. Kate

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

There is no possibility of a vet finding dysplasia in a 6 wk old puppy. I would really discuss Puppy Strangles with him. It shows itself in lots of different ways before the usual signs.

Please check for tetanus.

This sounds like classis Tetanus... please have you vet check for this-and I know it's pretty freaky & rare to have it happen. The anitibodies are usually available with most horse vets. It causes the paralysis and drooling you're talking about- very neurological. A friend of ours had this and it gets in the dirt... crazy scary.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

Thank you so much for your prayers, thoughts and insights. It all might be helping. Yesterday we went back to the vet. They did a complete blood workup and evaluated all the numbers. She was slightly anemic, they weren't so worried about that, but her Monocytes was sky high. That is a red blood cell that comes in secondary when there is serious infection. She has not run a fever so they were concerned about why that was. I live about 40 minutes from University of TN and all my vets are UT grads so they were in contact with the neurology dept at UT from the onset. They concurred with UT that it might be Toxoplasmosis or a brain infection from a protozoa , they are running titers for 3 different infections that involve the brain. Toxo is from cats, feral cats which there are plenty of here in the mountains. We have no cats, but there is a barn 1/4 mile from my fields and property that has lots of ferals that wonder all over. We have been trapping them for the last 2 years and having the sick ones put down and the healthier ones re-homed. My vets put the little girl on a strong antibiotic that crosses into the brain . Last night we saw on the camera that she was stretching her legs and sleeping very relaxed instead of balled up in a circle and postured to the right. It was a sweet sight. This morning she was screaming her head off for breakfast which has been hard for her since the left side of her face or mouth is not working. This morning it only took 20 minutes for her to eat where it was close to 40 minutes before. She is still spinning , but this morning was walking a little along the rail wanting to be with her litter mates. I have kept them separated since she got sick. I think as soon as we get the results of the titers she can rejoin them. Some will be starting to go to their new homes this coming week. Well thank you again for your thoughts, prayers and the kindness that most of you showed. I truly appreciate it. Have a wonderful day. Please keep praying, I beleive it is helping. She had a sweet softness to her face this morning that has not been there for a few days. She seems overall a little more relaxed.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

Glad to hear your little girl is improving. Do let us know what they find and how she continues to do.

Re: 6 week old puppy showing rear and front lameness

what about the possibility of listeriosis or meningitis?
both would cause neurological issues.