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Acana food?

I know this is a great food but I'm looking for experiences and cost. Anyone get it as a distributor and therefore wholesale priced and if so what are you paying if you don't mind me asking or you telling? TIA.

Re: Acana food?

Morning. Love this food & its counterpart Orijen. We get a discount on the large bags and every 10th bag is free. This isn't wholesale and with living in Canada, our prices are likely much different from other places anyways. Good luck in your research!

Re: Acana food?

I only use it on my girls that are nursing pups, really can tell the difference in the way they feel, and they never lose their coats. I use the fish one for that, and it has been awhile since I have had a litter, but I think I paid $56 for 30 lbs, no discount for me, which is why I only use it on prego girls, in fact I dont start gradually switching till the last week in pregnancy, for fear of making big puppies, and I mean gradually because it is rich. I I could affort it, my whole crew would be on Acana.

Re: Acana food?

They do offer a breeder plan, every 6th bag is free, contact Champion foods.

Re: Acana food?

Tks for confirming the breeder plan/free bag number - Acana is the same. I fed Orijen for years and then decided to try Acana out as it was made by the same company and I'd heard great things from friends who used it. Love either one and so do our dogs!

Re: Acana food?

I'm a member of their breeder club, and the deal is you must buy 6 bags at a time, and get a 7th at no charge. Contact info for the program is on their web site; you apply and they send you a card to present when purchasing.

I feed both Orijen and Acana and am really satisfied with how the dogs do on it. Orijen is priced slightly higher than Acana, depending on the formula, and I pay between $72 for the 18 kg bag of Orijen 6 fish (most expensive blend) and about $54 for the Acana blends.

Re: Acana food?

The place where I purchase dog food keeps track of how much I buy and when I'm due a free bag - no card necessary so check around.

Re: Acana food?

Same for me, plus they offer an additional 10% and cost less than my local feed/pet stores.

Re: Acana food?

We must buy at the same store/chain!!

Re: Acana food?

The place where I purchase dog food keeps track of how much I buy and when I'm due a free bag - no card necessary so check around.

My distributor also gives me a 10% discount on the 6 bags I purchase. And there are feed stores that do the "buy 10, get the next bag free" here too, so yah, if you don't want to get the breeder discount/freebie, by all means find a store that has their own "frequent buyer" program.

Re: Acana food?

I fed it for a couple months but didn't see any great differences in my dogs to justify the cost. I bought from a great little store that gave a small "preferred customer" discount, a bulk discount for more than 10 bags bought at once, as well as honored the buy 6 get 1 free breeder card. I was also worried if puppy buyers would in fact keep puppies on it because of it's lack of availability in the area. Back to Pro Plan.

Re: Acana food?

I've been feeding Acana for almost 4 years, I love it.

I do get my 7th bag free, and no tax. I'm happy with it.

Re: Acana food?

Is there any reason no one ever says, "I buy it from XYZ Distributors"? Just a name would be helpful.

I would love to know, that way if ever traveling to that region (even Canada) I could try and find it.

Sounds like cool food..

Re: Acana food?

In my area it's sold in private retail outlets, no chain stores.

Re: Acana food?

The Orijen/Acana breeders program is buy 6, get one free. You must get all 7 bags at once. Go to Champion pet food's website to sign up.
I use Orijen Six Fresh Fish for my guys that are working/showing and Acana Prairie for my couch potatoes.

Re: Acana food?

The one in my area is a chain store but each store is individually owned. FYI...I'm not sure if things have changed but bringing dogfood across the border may not be allowed (still?)

Re: Acana food?

The store I bought from didn't require you to by all 6 bags at once. They kept track of your purchases and when you brought in the six barcodes, you'd get your freebie.