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filler for kongs

What does everyone use to fill their kongs with to keep their labs occupied. I have a 7 mo who loves to play with his kongs - i usually put cookies in it - but he has learned to pick it up and chug them down.


Re: filler for kongs

Peanut Butter inside with some milk bones :)

Re: filler for kongs

Peanut butter - you don't have to fill the kong, just some around openings inside keeps them busy for awhile. Yogurt used the same way is good too.

Re: filler for kongs

If you fill the kong with whatever filler you choose, add pieces of dog cookies, carrots, etc. and then freeze it, it'll last longer too. Just have more than one kong to rotate in the freezer and they wash easily in the dishwasher, top rack.

Re: filler for kongs

If you fill the kong with whatever filler you choose, add pieces of dog cookies, carrots, etc. and then freeze it, it'll last longer too. Just have more than one kong to rotate in the freezer and they wash easily in the dishwasher, top rack.

This is my choice, too - frozen goodies. I soak dog kibble with boiling water so it absorbs quickly, and then fill the kongs and freeze them.

Re: filler for kongs

Peanut Butter inside. They love it.

Re: filler for kongs

I soak some dog kibble in boiling water until it swells up then I mash and add a glob of peanut butter. I make them and then freeze them. My guys love these. Terri

Re: filler for kongs

Large carrot pieces only. No peanut butter.

Re: filler for kongs

Banana with some kibble and peanut butter

Pumpkin and kibble - only a tbsp or so

apple chunks with peanut butter and kibble

I too freeze mine.

If you are using the red kongs, be careful about putting them in the dishwasher. The heat can cause the rubber to go back to its original state and "melt". It is safe for the dogs still, but looks unsettled.

Re: filler for kongs

Hey...How about filling them with those frozen "Poopcicles" We ALL know the dogs will LOVE them! (WINK)

Re: filler for kongs

If I make hot oatmeal for breakfast and I have any left over I put that and a mushed up bananna in it. I have also mixed up pumkin and yogurt and freeze it before giving it to them.

Re: filler for kongs

Peanut Butter is a staple. Then I open the fridge - left over steak, in it goes (cut up pieces), then some kibble or small treats, more peanut butter, cottage cheese, apples, carrots, cheese, cherrios, anything in the fridge dog safe. All cut up small with peanut butter blobs in between to make it harder to get to. They love them, surprises all the way to the end

Re: filler for kongs

One of my dogs got a painful case of pancreatitis from PB.

Re: filler for kongs

Thanks everyone! (my boys say thank you too!)

Re: filler for kongs

I fill mine with canned dog food that matches their Kibble (they eat salmon kibble so a salmon canned food) a tablespoon or so stuffed in and frozen, keeps them busy for hours