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When do you start drawing progesterone?

Haven't bred for awhile. When do you start drawing progesterone? My repro vet's office said Day 5, but I don't think I did it this early in the past.

Also, how many of you do your own progesterone tests, what do you use and is it acurate?

Re: When do you start drawing progesterone?

I start testing on day 7 or 8. I use PreMate from Camelot Farms (, and I think 4 out or 5 pregnancies is pretty good, considering the problem getting pregnancies, before. #5 is a problem and I am going to try 1 more time. She has missed 3 times.

Re: When do you start drawing progesterone?

Day 7 or 8 typically.

Re: When do you start drawing progesterone?

Depends on your lines... The girl I was hoping to breed comes from a line that ovulates VERY early. I took her in on day 7 (had been checking her everyday) and she was already a 19. So, next time, I will be taking her in a few days after she shows color. My other girls, I took in at day 7. Good luck!

Re: When do you start drawing progesterone?

I usually take them in ~day 7, but we start w/ a vaginal smear. If she's well on her way to cornification, we'll do a progesterone, otherwise we'll wait a couple days more. Most of my girls don't ovulate til day 14 or so anyhow so this is more of a check to make sure I caught the beginning of the cycle.

Re: When do you start drawing progesterone?

Day 8 or 9, our repro vet gives us same day results so that saves a day.

Re: When do you start drawing progesterone?

I know my girls, so I've learned to wait and not waste $. Day 10 I start and do 2 tests. She had 8 puppies!