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Fredericksburg show

Any Lab people showing their Labs at the Fredericksburg, Va. show tomorrow, Jan. 15th? Please, what time do they go off? TQ
Also, when will Mid Jersey have their show?

Re: Fredericksburg show

Sat: 10:15 ring 8 42 dogs entered.

Re: Fredericksburg show

Any Lab people showing their Labs at the Fredericksburg, Va. show tomorrow, Jan. 15th? Please, what time do they go off? TQ
Also, when will Mid Jersey have their show?

Fredericksburg is through Sunday I think. What show is at Mid Jersey? They might have a match before the Potomac. I don't know of a show so go to their website to find out. I will too, if there's a show I have dogs to enter.

Found it- It's a Supported Entry with the NB kennel club.

March 26 & 27-New Brunswick Kennel Club supported Entry

Re: Fredericksburg show

Here are today's results:

Well done everyone!

Re: Mid Jersey Supported Specialty

Yes, mid jersey puts on a supported specialty in March
in conjunction with the New Brunswick Kennel Club show. Show this year is March 26 and 27. The supported show is on Sat. and offers sweeps

Re: Mid Jersey Supported Specialty

Thank you.