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litter eating stools?

baffled and would like input.
we have a 5 week old litter of 9
they started eating solids 2 weeks ago.
eating Proplan puppy (about 6 cups three times a day) and still nursing.
wormed at 2 and 4 weeks old.
they are housed in our kitchen and have a 8 x 10 area with potty boxes at one end, they they use most of the time.
the entire litter looks great, feels great, stools are tootsie rolls.
but I have found a few of the puppies eating poo out of the litter box.
Mom is still cleaning up very well and we change the boxes out 2 - 3 times each day.

Never in 25 years have I had puppies eat stool!

what would cause them to do this?

Re: litter eating stools?

I'm sure it started out as being hunger. With a litter that size, they need more food, even fed seperate . So the smaller ones get equal amounts .
Likely by now , it is a habit. If it really grosses you out, you could put them in puppy playpens, where they would be on a grate and the pooh would fall down under in a lined pan for easy cleanup. They would have no access to it, that would break the habit.

Re: litter eating stools?

for a litter that size and age the amount of food sounds fine, to much will upset the stomach and give them the runs.

what did you worm with?

Re: litter eating stools?

I've had litters through the years that for some unknown reason, were poop eaters at that age. No idea whay....nothing different other then the mother. I think it depends on the pups, just like some adults. They stopped once in homes and separated from the littermates.

Re: litter eating stools?

I can't really add anything but did want to share that a breed I've owned/shown to more than a few championships and bred that are THE biggest poop eaters are Flat Coats... It is the reason I no longer have them. Hubby couldn't deal with it.

I have had a few labradors since owning the flat coats do it and my hubby swears it's because the flat coats taught them. Who knows!

I think we'd all agree in that whomever bottles a cure will be filthy rich~

Re: litter eating stools?

Like Ingrid, I too have had the odd litter over the years that does this. doG only knows why.