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Sadness and Joy

Today Sheila Fruge, her son Matt and his wife Mandee lost a family member and friend. Silky was an amazing 18 years and 5 months old.

My joy comes from the fact that she had such a wonderful life with fabulous people and was active and happy right to the end. As a breeder, we try hard to see that our puppies go to the best of homes - she was out of my Ch JanWood’s Secret Agent and a Brawner Creek’s bitch - Tyson Farms Diamond Soliatare;. I think we found one!

The sadness comes from the loss they must be feeling tonight. These dogs become a part of our lives. They are always there. When your hand falls off the bed, a warn head or cold nose fills it. When you walk to another room, a shadow follows you. I can’t remember the last time I went to the bathroom or took a bath without an audience. Even though there is usually more than one, there is always that special one. The one that not only touches your heart, but makes its home there. That was Silky.

Remember her with your heart. She will always be there.


Re: Sadness and Joy

What an incredible legacy.....if only all of our wonderful Labradors could live such a long life. Silky must have had the best of love and care to see her through those many many years. I'm very sorry for those who loved her and will miss her so much.

Re: Sadness and Joy

Oh Jan, what a home you found for an extraordinary Lab! Is 18 years old some kind of record for Labs? The oldest I have ever had is 16. I'd love to know more about her life and the caretaking she must have received.

With a life so long, the memories of her must exist in every corner of all the lives of everyone in the family.
Truly the memories are bittersweet with the loss and with the joy of her long life.

I cheer for the wonderful being Silky was. Kate

Re: Sadness and Joy

((((Sheila))) I am so very sorry. Wow 18 though, what a gift!

Re: Sadness and Joy

Oh how empty that home must feel right now. My condolences to the Fruge family. Godspeed Silky.

Re: Sadness and Joy

What an incredible journey. My heart goes out to the family with this loss.

Re: Sadness and Joy

Shelia, So sorry for your loss especially after being with you for more than 18 years. My thoughts are with you. I know how sad it is to lose such a good friend. ellie

Re: Sadness and Joy

Thanks to all of you for your kind words. Silky was always a very healthy dog and I think that is why she lived such a long life.Other than her naughty phase that lasted about 6 months and involved a dislocated toe, many sutures after trying to visit some deer on the other side of a barb wire fence, her Vet care was very minimal, just checkups and vaccines. This dog never had an ear infection, tummy trouble (other than the occasional dietary mishap)skin problems, nothing. She was very happy everyday of her life and was bouncing and ready to go with her people where ever that might be.She lived with me for her first 8 1/2 years and then moved out with my oldest son and spent the rest of her life with him. It is really odd not to have her around and her Pug misses her dearly..Run free old gal