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domperidone......On the another forum someone's vet put their bitch on this to stimulate lactation.
Has anyone ever used it , sounds to unproven to me....

Re: domperidone

fenugreek is natural and safe and does a great job at stimulating milk production.

Re: domperidone

It's used on mares that have been on fescue. Don't know about the use of it in dogs.

Re: domperidone

Best choice for humans, although not available in US for humans. Most get it from Canada. Don't know with dogs.

Re: domperidone

There are two important parts of lactation that need to happen for good milk production. The production of milk is typically stimulated by the hormone prolactin in the body. The let down of milk is stimulated by the hormone oxytocin. If you have good milk supply but not good let down you have poor lactation. If you have no milk supply it doesn't matter how many drugs you give to induce milk let down you won't have good laction. To my knowledge the most common drug used in dogs for lactation is Reglan - it stimulates milk let down.

I don't have any experience with the drug you asked about but what I would want to find out is what exactly is it designed to do.

Re: domperidone

My repro vet has had me use this product when I have had bitches with single puppies and less milk production. The oral gel is by Equi-Tox Pharma dose for a 75 lb bitch was 0.75 ml orally 2X a day (shake tube well). Only given in the 24-36 hrs before welping, or in my case before a scheduled c -section due to singleton puppy.

Re: domperidone

Domperidone (Motilium) is a drug that has, as a side effect, the increased production of the hormone prolactin. Prolactin is the hormone that stimulates the cells in the mother's breast to produce milk. Domperidone increases prolactin secretion indirectly, by interfering with the action of dopamine. One of the actions of dopamine is that it decreases the secretion of prolactin by the pituitary gland.

In humans, it is only effective when low prolactin levels are identified. It should not be given without a prolactin level test.

It is not approved by the FDA. There have been several published reports and case studies of cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and sudden death in patients receiving an intravenous form of domperidone that has been withdrawn from marketing in a number of countries.

My understanding is that these were significantly higher doses also.

Thomas Hale, a well respected pharmacist and lecturer on human lactation, promotes its use when low prolactin levels have been identifed.

Re: domperidone

have a singleton pup who is 3 weeks old today-mom doesn't seem to be producing much milk-puppy gaining for first two weeks, but now is lagging.he just got his teeth so I started feeding him-big appetite-any supplements you would use to help him along? this is my first singleton

Re: domperidone

Just feed him. He is old enough and no longer needs milk. He needs his mother, but not her milk.