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testicle dropping later

I know this has been discussed here before, but I could not find it by trying to search, so will ask. I have had an older pup's testicle drop down but do not remember at what age this was. How long would you wait before giving up? I have a pet owner asking as they want to avoid the extra cost (their vet is telling them $800 more?) to neuter if the testicle is in the abdomen.


Re: testicle dropping later

That sounds like a crock. What would they charge for a spay? Would they consider using another vet? My vets can find one on a Cavalier--not that I want it to happen again!

Re: testicle dropping later

Please. I just paid $225 for a cryptorchid neuter last week. That was $25 more than normal. Tell your friend her vet is a crook.

Re: testicle dropping later

I just had the same question a few weeks ago. I am running on a male who is now almost 4 months old. I'm not the best finding testicles at 8 weeks, and at his last vet appt neither of 2 veterinarians could find this right one. I was very disappointed until about a week later I found it! He was a little past 3 months. It IS a testicle! LOL I don't know if I'm just lousy at finding the darn things or if it had decided to drop. I just hope he doesn't "hide" them in the ring!

Re: testicle dropping later

One of my pups, (pick of course!) did not drop testicles and I placed him. He's almost 4 months and they still have not dropped. I asked my vet how much the neuter would be vs. a regular neuter. He told me anywhere from $25 - $100 more depending on where they are, how long the surgery would take etc. So even at the $100 it wouldn't be more than $300 total.

Re: testicle dropping later

This is what I think would be right. Not double the amount or more. Unreal what different Vets charge for a spay and neuter anyway. Seems we are hearing of alot more not dropping ? Are others becoming aware of this. Wonder if we are using some of the same pedigrees. Stud and bitch ? We have so much money tied up in these litters to have to pass on the best because of this. I know of four out of litters right now. Would go for years and not hear. I know the forums get the word out fast and to all.

Re: testicle dropping later

I did have a pick boy with a wandering ball. My vet suggested a series of 3 hormone injections (sorry, can't remember what they were called but ask your vet) and after the second it came down and stayed down. If they aren't down by 6 months the ring they pass through closes so they (it) would be stuck on the wrong side. The shots were not very expensive, I think I paid around $80-$100 for all three.

Re: testicle dropping later

Special shots need to start at 8 wks. They are painful, but can correct situation.

I have seen it work, but I think the chances of coming down after 8 weeks, are slim, without shots.

One vet charged $100. more than neuter fee.

Re: testicle dropping later

My repro vet mentioned the shots too but said they only work about 30% of the time and there is a better chance if one is already down. Also stated that he wouldn't recommend breeding that dog.

Re: testicle dropping later

I would give it till 6 months..THEIR VET IS A TOTAL RIP OFF!!!! FYI one of the last things I say to my "new parents" as they are leaving NEVER LET A VET DO SURGERY ON THE PUP WITHOUT CALLING ME FIRST ...UNLESS IT IS LIFE OR DEATH! Oh, the stoies I could tell on that topic!