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Difference in shows?

I know that this is going to seem like a really stupid question for most of you but... what is the difference between a B-Match vs reg. or Open dog show? Basically, are there points to be won in a match and do they count towards your championship?
Going to St. Joe in Feb. to watch only, but a friend who wanted to enter reg. show didn't get her entry in on time (was at funeral for great grandmother). Friend does have some youngsters that need the exposure so she is looking to enter them in the B-match since they were taking day of entries.
Any help is appreciated!

Re: Difference in shows?

matches are for practice and fun, and have no points to earn, ever.

Re: Difference in shows?

That's what I thought but I wasn't 100% sure and I didn't want to tell her wrong. Still, it's great practice for the young dogs and the newbie handlers like us!

Re: Difference in shows?

yup I love matches!! no pressure and great practice!

Re: Difference in shows?

As a newbie, I found "Show Me" by Caroline Coile is a good reference book. Also the AKC website goes over the point breakdowns.