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weather and shows question

Have a question. show weekend coming up in MD, and snow storm in the forecast. If there will be cancellations in the show/for the show, how will the entrants find out ? is there a website that would have the update, would the entrants get an email if they provided their email (ie online entry submission), or is there a phone number they can call?

Thanks, hope someone can answer for me.

Re: weather and shows question

the AKC website has a cancellation page. Go to then events then events cancellations. They also list a phone number you can call to hear the list of cancelled events as 919-816-3950 or (toll free 877-252-3229).

Re: weather and shows question

One time we didn't find out about the cancellation until driving up to the gates. No refunds, either, btw. Blanket policy, so don't even ask.

Re: weather and shows question

Thank you for the AKC info. I never thought to look there...(i'm in Canada). Have a puppy down that way going to a show , and the owner was asking me.
Appreciate the response. will cross fingers that he doesn't drive there to find it's cancelled. will cross my fingers, this snow storm isn't too severe either for everyone down there.

Re: weather and shows question

They almost NEVER cancel shows here in the US, don't worry!
Most of the time it's a 1-2 hour delay.

Re: weather and shows question

Last year at the Doswell shows (Virginia) it was snowing so bad and I felt certain that they would cancel the show. The whole first day of the circuit (Saturday) we got 12 inches of snow. I ended up sleeping at my set up because I was afraid to get out on the roads. My thought is that it is going to have to be really bad for them to cancel.

Re: weather and shows question

The outside show here in Florida on Tuesday of this week was canceled because of thunder storms. They did not decide until show time.

Re: weather and shows question

Blizzard conditions last year for the Boardwalk shows in NJ, but the show still went on I would be shocked if a show was canceled due to heavy snow.

Re: weather and shows question

Thanks everyone. Since it's not an outdoor show, probably no risk in lightening and stuff striking, however, yes, maybe a delay. I've driven in the past through our worst of winters for my 3 minutes of fame LOL. it's like nothing stops me. What we don't go through.....