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Hi I am a Newbie,

Please give some ideas of raffle items to ask for and possibly ideas on how ot prepare a letter for asking.. I would greatly appreciate thiis..

Sincerely and Thank You

Re: Suggestions

Grooming, boarding, training, food, leashes, crates (soft/hard ones), art work, clothing (for people, not dogs) are some that come to mind.

Re: Suggestions

crate mat, water bucket filled with dog goodies, hook rug with Lab motif, pottery with lab motif, xpen, solar blanket, gift cards from places like Cabelas, LL Bean, or Tractor supply.

IMO, raffle items should not look like yard sale items (I have seen this at some raffles.) Please ask for donations of items that are new, not used.

Re: Suggestions

Agreed. I was at a show this past year and most of the raffle items looked like what we call "Trash and Treasure". Just things that people had hanging around the house.

Gas gift cards are good, as well as the other, like LL Bean, etc.

Sometimes OFA will donate registration fees, vets offer free x-rays, etc.

I really have come to only put tickets on practical things - no more brick a brack. :)

Re: Suggestions

As suggested, you can write letters to organizations such as OFA, DDC, etc and request a donation to a raffle for a free test (EIC), hip evaluation, color test.

Re: Suggestions

A Jonart Whelping box....
Call them to see if they will give you a discount. Advertise it in your premium and sell tickets for $20 or 6 for $100. You will make your money back and then some. Most people can't afford a Jonart but dream of having one.... for just $20 chance they just might get one. Save on shipping and see if there is a Lab person coming to the show that lives near them that can transport it.
I know I will buy 6 if you do it!

Re: Suggestions

Wine baskets are always a hit .. ask people to donate a bottle of wine each (which is pretty inexpensive to do) and make up several nice wine baskets .. they are always a hit and raise a lot of money at our Silent Auctions and raffles .. Or a beer barrel .. it only costs a couple of dollars to purchase a can of imported beer and you can make a gift basket using a cooler .. I have organized many silent auctions at work for the United Way that have generated several thousands of dollars and these two items normally raise well over $200 each. Coffee baskets are a good idea too .. premium coffee like Starbucks ... Good Luck!

Re: Suggestions

You can make up a "tree" of lottery tickets. Whatever amount 20 or more $1 tickets gets lots of people putting their chances in the cup!

Re: Suggestions

What about a copy of Reaching for the Stars?