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NDR - Stem Cell Therapy for Horses

FYI - interesting read!

Re: NDR - Stem Cell Therapy for Horses

I think this is awesome. And I also think Rio is a lucky horse to have the owner he does.

Re: NDR - Stem Cell Therapy for Horses

Yes, very lucky! Now, if they could just do something about my knees!

Re: NDR - Stem Cell Therapy for Horses

My vet has been doing stem cell therapy for a while, and gives seminars to area clubs. He thinks that it would work on people, too, but that the companies that make knee replacements (and hips, etc.) wouldn't allow it...The companies making the prosthetics would lose too much money.
I think he may have a point.

Re: NDR - Stem Cell Therapy for Horses

Found this this morning...this vet is doing entire stem cell therapy procedure on the same day...