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Feeding a pregnant bitch

When do you start feeding more food to a pregnant bitch?

Re: Feeding a pregnant bitch

I always feed according to the individuals body condition; usually the last couple weeks I increase the food a bit. same food ( high quality ) as pre breeding; after whelping, I feed the highest fat/protein food available ( lactation is when the caloric needs go way up) each bitch is individual; some are easier keepers, and I only need to increase the food a bit, others need as much caloric supplementation I can get down them.

Re: Feeding a pregnant bitch

My vet asked me to increase her food after her ultrasound. She lost 2 pounds up to then eating her regular amount that normally keeps her weight steady. I'm worried that she may get too fat. Do you use the ribs to measure body condition when pregnant?

Re: Feeding a pregnant bitch

I start upping the food around 5 weeks of gestation. My girls get ravenous by this time and I have to believe that they need it, especially when you know it is going to be a good size litter. Think about it most pups weigh around 1 lb, plus their placenta, if they are carrying 10 pups that is at the least 10 lbs extra that has to come from somewhere, or else it will come from the poor mother's reserves.

Re: Feeding a pregnant bitch

I increase slightly about the last 7-10 days of pregnancy (around 25% more food). I really start increasing after the pups are a week old. By the time they pups are 2-3 weeks old the mother is getting double to triple the regular amount. I also switch to a performance food while she is lactating.

Re: Feeding a pregnant bitch

How can I tell if I'm feeding to much?

Re: Feeding a pregnant bitch

I am very conservative in feeding my pregnant bitches. I don't think any ONE of us feeding the commercial brands we do needs to fear that we won't give our mommas enough to eat. And I would RATHER have small pups whelped than too big of ones that require a C section. Not to mention that fat bitches have problems whelping.

I feed normal rations, a Performance Quality the last 4 week, and then the last 2 weeks I round my scoops.