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Let sleeping dogs lie?

What do you think?

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

I enjoy snuggling with my dogs in bed and will continue to allow them to sleep with me--the bed just feels too empty without them.

The topic of routine veterinary care was mentioned several times in the article and I have to wonder how up to date the dogs and cats that supposedly infected humans were on their vaccines, deworming, and flea preventatives.

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

How else would I stay warm?

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

There IS something so good about having them all snuggled up close at night! Wouldn't change it IMHO.

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

Yeah, well sleeping with another human can kill you too.

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

Ha!!!!! I almost spit coffee on my computer!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

I find the snoring of a sweet chocolate lab in my bed soothing...can't say the same for a snoring hubby!

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

who can resist them...yes 3 girls, as they follow you to the bed, reaching it before you, choosing THEIR places and you fit in like an acrobat, waking up in the morning with a leg not working immediately, due to the heaviest girl sleeping over it, and all night youngest was snooring loudly on the pillow beside you...and you choose the bed of your visiting grandkids to bedroom to avoid snorring husband???
ritva & the girls

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

yeah...LOL... went to bed with 2 in the bed last night, and woke up with 3 of them. I was pinned under my blankets, unable to move : 2 down one side, 1 down the other. Hubby gone by that time, which is when i get my best sleep.
negatives : they reach the bed before me, hard to climb in, and other negative is when everyone's snoring is out of sync!!! but they keep me warm and i love having them there!

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

Oh that was GOOD! LMBO

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

I love my labs and they have great beds but I love mu husband more and respect his wishes for a good night sleep. I think I am starting to see why there are a number of my pals with bad relationships! LOL Same thing with doggie smell and hair, I work really hard so my husband can have a clean place to live and eat, I have been in some friends homes that I did not want to eat in and I love my dogs!!! Just a thought.

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

"Yeah, well sleeping with another human can kill you too."

That was exactly my reaction- much more dangerous IMO.

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

Wow, what people are you sleeping with!? LOL

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

Too funny! Well I wish I could get over the dog hair and smells, but mine don't sleep with me, a nap with one, on top of my comforter doesn't bother me. I love my labs also, but not in my bed or for that matter all over my furniture. Guess if I only had one, it would be different, and my oldest girl does run the house late in the evening and at night, when I go to bed, I put everyone to bed in their crates, which are nice and snug in my dining room. I do not believe for a minute, though, that I, or my kids, might catch something from my dogs!

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

Chuckle, chuckle. But seriously, many parasites, in particular viruses, are species specific (most respiratory viruses, for instance). You can't get them from your dog, but you can from another human being. Zoonotic diseases are relatively rare compared to diseases transmitted from human to human.

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

Must be! And all my friends are here too, since we've all had our pets in bed with us since childhood!

Re: Let sleeping dogs lie?

I love my dogs too but not in my bed. My bedroom is like a mine field if you try to get up in the middle of the night. They are all over the place and I just climb over and step in between, and that's just perfect for me