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Ivomec 1% for heartworm prevention

What is the formula for mixing your own heartworm preventative? I am finding many variations on the internet. Most say, .1cc of the 1% undiluted for each 10 pounds of dog. Is this correct?

Do you just put it on the food or do you have to make it more palatable?


Re: Ivomec 1% for heartworm prevention

I put the dosage on a piece of bread--everyone quickly gobbles up their piece. I've never had one refuse.

I give 1/10th of a cc of straight ivomec to my dogs--I don't mix it with anything. All heartworm tests have come back negative.

Re: Ivomec 1% for heartworm prevention

I have heard different things so since the post is out there again I thought I would ask. Does this dosage of Ivomec take care of other types of worms as well or just heart worms?

Re: Ivomec 1% for heartworm prevention

There is so much misinformation regarding heartworm and worming dosage with Ivermectin. I would suggest you work with your vet, instead of an anonymous forum, to find the correct dosage for both/either. My vet knows my dosage(s), and knows that I do it this way, and has no problem with it. It is extremely important to get the correct dosage, an invermectin overdose is very dangerous, underdosing, can result in heart worm infestation. Be careful!

Re: Ivomec 1% for heartworm prevention

for 18 years we have used ivermec 1% injectable cattle wormer to prevent heart worms and other internal parasites.

the dosage difference you find is based on if you are just using for heart worms or for other parasites as well.

we have always used it at 1/10 cc per 10 lbs. never had a positive test and never had a reaction.

It has a large margin of safety.

Re: Ivomec 1% for heartworm prevention

There is so much misinformation regarding heartworm and worming dosage with Ivermectin. I would suggest you work with your vet, instead of an anonymous forum, to find the correct dosage for both/either. My vet knows my dosage(s), and knows that I do it this way, and has no problem with it. It is extremely important to get the correct dosage, an invermectin overdose is very dangerous, underdosing, can result in heart worm infestation. Be careful!

You're going to get different dosages on the list. Check with your vet.

Re: Ivomec 1% for heartworm prevention

Thought some might be interested to read the information provided on this page regarding dosages. I especially found the section titled "How the calculations were done" to be of great interest. By those calculations and comparing that to the amount of ivermectin in Heartgard, even those who are dosing the Ivomec at 0.1 cc total per dog are administering too much.

I think people need to also be clear whether the Ivomec is being given straight or is diluted with something such as propylene glycol.

Re: Ivomec 1% for heartworm prevention

that site is just another opinion of one person.
Someone who has taken the time to gather informaiton that fits her beliefs and put them into articles.

She is not a vet or a pharmacist, what credentials does she have to be right?

she has yet put out another variation of dosage by using the pig wormer .08% instead of the cattle wormer 1%. Nothing like adding to the confusion of newbies.

Also her statement about not being able to use the 1% with out dilution is incorrect and false.
talk to your vet or to a mentor that you trust and follow their advise.

I personally will follow my vet who has been practicing and breeding for over 30 years.
1/10cc per 10 lbs undiluted has always done the job with out any health issues.