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Pulled Muscle

Does anyone have any suggestions for a pulled muscle. Was working my girl in the field on a cold day and now she is limping?

Re: Pulled Muscle

Was she limping just after she came in? or is she limping hours later?

When she just came in, it very well might just be cold feet

Hours later, did you cold start her? Or warm her up before working her?

Crate rest is the best for now

Re: Pulled Muscle

Is she limping in the front or rear?

Re: Pulled Muscle

Regardless what it is , fill a bucket with warm water and Epsom Salts , stick the sore leg in , and take a cloth and gently massage. Do this for several days , twice a day. If it is a muscle that will fix it.
If it does not fix it, likely you have a serious promlem, could be anything from a cruciate tear , to a joint issue, and needs Vet care.

Re: Pulled Muscle

It is her left rear leg. She was limping when she came in. We palpated her cruciate, toes, foot etc. Nothing is painful at all! She is one of those bitches who will stay out and retrieve and you won't know until you get her in! Bitch has drive!

Re: Pulled Muscle

If your girl is "toe touching" in the rear she may have ruptured her ACL either totally or partially. It is difficult to palpate a stifle on a well muscled large breed dog without some sedation in most cases. A trip to the Vet may be in order. Best of luck with your girl.

Re: Pulled Muscle

breeder 25
Regardless what it is , fill a bucket with warm water and Epsom Salts , stick the sore leg in , and take a cloth and gently massage. Do this for several days , twice a day. If it is a muscle that will fix it.
If it does not fix it, likely you have a serious promlem, could be anything from a cruciate tear , to a joint issue, and needs Vet care.

If this is a soft tissue injury, you would not apply heat for the first 48 hours. That would only increase bleeding and inflammation. Best to ask your vet and not rely on anon advice which could be contraindicated.

Re: Pulled Muscle

If she was out playing in the snow she may have pulled a groin muscle. I had one of my guys do this last week, went to turn and was holding the rear leg up, Ortho vet checked him out , not a cruciate just a muscle strain, rested for a few days, gave him an anti-inflammatory and a muscle relaxant for 4 days and back to normal after just 2. The ortho said they can present just like an ACL tear , but there's no swelling in the knee.

Re: Pulled Muscle

If she was out playing in the snow she may have pulled a groin muscle. I had one of my guys do this last week, went to turn and was holding the rear leg up, Ortho vet checked him out , not a cruciate just a muscle strain, rested for a few days, gave him an anti-inflammatory and a muscle relaxant for 4 days and back to normal after just 2. The ortho said they can present just like an ACL tear , but there's no swelling in the knee.

Yes, the exact same thing happened to my guy a few years back, but in his case the muscle was actually torn, not just strained (so much longer recovery) and it did present just like an ACL tear ... needed an ortho visit for proper diagnosis. He did his by putting his leg in groundhog hole while retrieving in the park.

Re: Thank You

I just wanted to thank everyone for there input, after cage resting her an leash walking she is doing much better and her gait seems normal for now? Heat worked great. Due to the ice and stuff we had here it could have caused it for sure!!

Re: Thank You

YOu may still consider putting her on MSM. Works for me anyhow!