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Good chiropractor/acupuncturist/kinesologist/etc. Phila/NJ area?

my old girl is getting stiff and yelped in pain when one of my other girls accidentally ran into her today. I've been taking her to my chiropractor occasionally, which helps, but he doesn't always have time to look at her. Been using adequan and dasuquin. Sometimes meloxicam and/or tramadol. vet suggested doxi, as she did have rocky mountain at an earlier age. She also had both knees repaired traditionally at a younger age, which I'm sure hasn't helped.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. This one is close to my heart.


Re: Good chiropractor/acupuncturist/kinesologist/etc. Phila/NJ area?

Dr. Sue Ann Lesser has a traveling clinic in PA and several in NJ and NY state. She has many years of experience.
Good luck with your good dog!

Re: Good chiropractor/acupuncturist/kinesologist/etc. Phila/NJ area?

Re: Good chiropractor/acupuncturist/kinesologist/etc. Phila/NJ area?

Re: Good chiropractor/acupuncturist/kinesologist/etc. Phila/NJ area?

This may help too:

Re: Good chiropractor/acupuncturist/kinesologist/etc. Phila/NJ area?

concerned mom
my old girl is getting stiff and yelped in pain when one of my other girls accidentally ran into her today. I've been taking her to my chiropractor occasionally, which helps, but he doesn't always have time to look at her. Been using adequan and dasuquin. Sometimes meloxicam and/or tramadol. vet suggested doxi, as she did have rocky mountain at an earlier age. She also had both knees repaired traditionally at a younger age, which I'm sure hasn't helped.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. This one is close to my heart.


thanks everyone for your suggestions. She is feeling better - gave her some meloxicam, and took her to my chiropractor earlier this week. We might do a muscle relaxer for 5 days, so I can do some exercises with her that she resists now due to pain - her muscles that go into her groin are tight from conpensating for knee surgery it seems. May go see Sue Ann in March.