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A Passing

Am not a breeder, never had been, never will be. We find the love and devotion of senior labs unbeatable.

A few years ago I asked advice from this forum about getting a companion for our 11 year old lab, Potion. The majority of responses were to get her a distinguished gentleman. Before I could begin my quest, a breeder contacted me about a 10 year old girl she had, would I be interested. In young adulthood she had to be spayed and was placed with a neighbor and lived here many happy years. Unfortunately, the neighbor died and Melody was taken by a family member. The breeder did not like the way she was kept, pursed the situation and got her back. We made a long journey to get her and she could not have been more perfect. I vividly remember her coming out of the breeder's house, a gorgeous cream with caramel ears, a ray of sunshine that put an already sunny day to shame.

She made Potion's last year fuller and richer, never left her side. When Potion passed, she made it very clear she was not happy being an only, so we did get her a suave, handsome, distinguished older gentleman. What a pair! You would think they always knew each other.

Our sweet Melody, almost 14 years old, has passed away and we are heartbroken. We called her Miss Spitfire, always quick with a smile, ready to join in with anything the family was doing. She enriched our lives, giving unconditional love and devotion.

Not sure if we would have gotten her without the encouragement we received here. Thank you so much. Why her breeder trusted us with this precious gift, I'll don't know, but so glad she did.

She may not physically be here with us now, her spirit and all the wonderful memories she gave us temper the loss. There will never be another like her.

We feel the seniors are the best of the best. So give all those seniors a big hug from us, they are so special.

Melody has left us with a song that will forever play in our hearts. We miss you and love you sweetie.

Re: A Passing

I am so very sorry to hear of your girls passing Fran {{hugs}} RIP Sweet Girl

Re: A Passing

How lucky Melody was to have been loved by you! I am so sorry for your loss and thank you for caring for a wonderful older Labby who obviously basked in your attention.

Re: A Passing

They grace our lives all too briefly.
Godspeed Melody.

Re: A Passing

What a wonderful tribute Fran! Run free at the Bridge sweet girl.

Re: A Passing

I'm so sorry for your loss. How lucky you both were to have one another....Godspeed sweet girl.

Re: A Passing

Fran, my sympathy on the passing of your Melody. Godspeed and run free.

There is no reason not to get another companion dog along with your now 11 year old. You have her a year, she's not brand new with you and she has also lost her buddy.

May I suggest you go back to that breeder please. She did right by you and you trust her. Not everyone is the same as her.

You will probably get many emails. Make sure you check out the breeder you decide to use for either an adult or pup. Go to to check the clearances of parents or of the adult dog you adopt.

Good wishes for you and your 11 year old. A younger dog will likely keep her young feeling, looking & acting. That will put a smile on your face Fran.

Please do be cautious who you work with. I anticipate you have a full box of emails already. Sort through them cautiously and choose a good breeder if the last breeder can't help you.

btw-You did a wonderful thing taking in a 10 year girl. Be proud. Many people won't do that. So we have good & not so good dog families and the same with breeders.

Re: A Passing

Fran, the day you left my house with Melody was the luckiest day in her life. You made me smile when you emailed pictures of your young grandchild with very gentle Melody and told me how she greeted people at the door on Halloween with excitement. Your love showed through in every message you sent me about her. Those old girls hold a very special place in our hearts. We have a 14 year old at our house, and it will be very sad when we have to say goodbye and godspeed to her as you had to say to Melody.

Re: A Passing

Fran, you and I have talked about how wonderful I think you are taking in the seniors.

God speed to your sweet girl.

And as we talked about.... I await the day you are ready for another to help you, DH and your lost boy to find a new friend.

It will happen when the time is right... never doubt it...

Love you for all you do for the seniors.....

Re: A Passing

what a beautiful tribute. I can't imagine that any one of us wouldn't be thrilled to place any of our dogs, especially a senior, with you.
The time we have with any of our dogs is so brief. God keep Melodie and you; thanks for all you do.

Re: A Passing

"Melody has left us with a song that will forever play in our hearts."

I suspect Melody is feeling the same, Fran. My deepest sympathies are with you.

Godspeed, Melody.

Re: A Passing

Fran, I am deeply touched by your tribute to these lovely old and wise ones, both living and passed. What a gift of time and companionship you have given them and they have given you.

Re: A Passing

I am so sorry for your loss Fran. My husband and I also have seniors. We love them dearly. The most recent to join us was 8 when she came to live with us last year and she is so much joy. She joined an 8 & 7 year old. They truly are the best of the best. Our daughter just got an 8 week old puppy, although very cute, playful, he does not yet have the wisdom, understanding and love that a senior brings with them. I give thanks every day to the wonderful breeder that allowed us to share in their lives. We are seniors ourselves sharing our lives with our seniors. What could be any better? Godspeed sweet Melody.

Re: A Passing

Knowing Pat Kroll as I do, she was more than thrilled to have found you for Melody and such a wonderful and heartfelt tribute. You are the people we pray our pups/ dogs go home and live and be loved forever. Thanks for this!!!

Re: A Passing

Fran, what a beautiful tribute to Melody - you were so lucky to have found each other. I read this with great sadness, and yet joy that once more a wonderful Labrador and a wonderful human had found each other as if by chance - but we both know it was not chance, it seldom is. Godspeed, Melody - and Fran, deepest condolences on your loss.

Re: A Passing

Your memorial to Melody brought me to tears.. I could not agree with you more regarding the seniors.. A dream of mine is to have a place one day dedicated to the senior Labs in rescues that no one else will take.
A senior home so to speak....
God bless you for loving her as your own...
Godspeed sweet one.
And hugs to you as well.

Re: A Passing

Dearest Fran,

I'm sorry you are still in mourning over Melody. It's never easy to lose one, and she was a special gal. All I can say is that don't let your pain keep you from loving another one again. You have a special heart for oldies, and I know it best.

Hugs from Potion & Bandit's first Mom,

Leslee Pope

Re: A Passing

What a beautiful story. I am so sorry for your loss.