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Question about c-section timing

This is the situation... On 11/29/10 progesterone test is 1.6. On 12/2/10 progesterone results are 7.6. I get the results on 12/3/10, and she is bred on the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th. This is the last time I will breed her, as we have had lots of trouble catching her. Anyway, wanted to make sure she was covered sufficiently. Well at 31 days, pregnancy test is positive. She had a c-section 18 months ago, delivering a stillborn singleton bitch pup. So, my question is this, when you set up your c-sections, do you go from the day of ovulation, or breeding? If it is fron ovulation at what day is it safe to take the pups?

Re: Question about c-section timing

You go from ovulation BUT you progesterone test before you do the c-section to make sure she's ready. Ideally you wait for your bitch to start labor. What does your repro vet recommend?

Re: Question about c-section timing

I would say your bitch is due on or about February 3rd.

Re: Question about c-section timing

My vet said that I can safely take the pups at 60 days from ovulation. She is scheduled for a c-section on 2/1/11, but I am planning to do a progesterone test on 1/31/11 just to make sure she is ready.

Re: Question about c-section timing

Well, I am watching her like a hawk, and will put the c-section off if she isn't ready.

Re: Question about c-section timing

I am not a vet, but I have always been told (by vets) that when the progesterone is at 2 or below, then it is safe. Good luck.

Re: Question about c-section timing

I would do exactly what you have planned. I would say she hit her LH on the 30th and counting 64-65-66, that would give you Feb 1 -2 -3. I think planning for the 1st is a good thing.

Re: Question about c-section timing

I guess I'm wondering why you would automatically do a c-section. I understand doing a section for 1 puppy, but, why not give her a chance to whelp naturally????

Re: Question about c-section timing

Due date is 63 days after ovulation (approx 5.0 Progesterone). I usually schedule the section on day 62. Remind them that this may be only 59 days from breeding day, if we're doing fresh chilled or frozen or as long as 70 days from a natural breeding. It's important to remind them that they CANNOT go by breeding dates. A "planned" c-section can only be done when you have excellent ovulation timing during the breeding OR if you can do STAT progesterones at the end of the pregnancy on a daily basis and proceed when the Prog drops to 2 or below. If your friend's veterinarian wants to talk to me, you can give them my number.

Re: Question about c-section timing

Had my girl bred and when there were soo many puppies per x-ray that it was hard to count, watched her closely, day 62 from ovulation and no second stage labor took her to my vet. Stat progesterone was drawn and at 2.5 repro Dr. from ISU said go for it. If we had waited even a few more hours would have lost them all as placentas were detaching on all. We lost two babies that had been dead at least twelve hours per my vet. So at 2.5, it was the best choice to make. And prgesterones were done to find the perfect insemination time. One time TCI! From fresh chilled semen from Canada!!

Re: Question about c-section timing

63 days from first breeding date for appointment, but that appointment must be accompanied by the appropriate temperature drop. If no appropriate temp drop, the c-section goes to 63 days from second breeding date.

Re: Question about c-section timing

A c-section is planned because she had a singleton pup 18 months ago which we lost in the c-section. I had gone to the bathroom, and the vet came in and gave her a shot of oxytocin (I guess to see if she could deliver the pup on her own). She never dilated. This is her last litter, and since she has already had a c-section before, and didn't previously dilate, I want to go this route.

Re: Question about c-section timing

A c-section is planned because she had a singleton pup 18 months ago which we lost in the c-section. I had gone to the bathroom, and the vet came in and gave her a shot of oxytocin (I guess to see if she could deliver the pup on her own). She never dilated. This is her last litter, and since she has already had a c-section before, and didn't previously dilate, I want to go this route.

The vet gave her oxytocin with no signs of dilation? I don't think that in itself was a wise move. The bitch should be dilated before any oxy is administered.

You might want to use a repro vet for this c-section or for a consultation.

Re: Question about c-section timing

A c-section is planned because she had a singleton pup 18 months ago which we lost in the c-section. I had gone to the bathroom, and the vet came in and gave her a shot of oxytocin (I guess to see if she could deliver the pup on her own). She never dilated. This is her last litter, and since she has already had a c-section before, and didn't previously dilate, I want to go this route.

You never never give Oxytocin before the bitch is fully dilated. Get another that's probably what killed your puppy.