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Progesterone/breeding question

Ok, I don't do this enough to be good at numbers/timing and want experienced opinion.

Progesterone Thurs - 1.6
Today (Sat) 3.2

Vet wants to recheck and most likely do surgical insem on Tuesday which will be her day 12.

Last time 1 1/2 years ago, she was surgically inseminated on day 11 and had 11 pups.

Do you think Tuesday will be too late or can't tell b/c she hasn't ovulated yet?

Re: Progesterone/breeding question

I would guess her LH surge was Friday, so if chilled semen Tuesday would be day 4 post LH surge and that should be good for first AI. Are you doing one or two AIs? Are you going to do another progesterone Monday? If not, I'd definitely do one Tuesday, the day of planned AI.

Re: Progesterone/breeding question

I think she will probably ovulate on Sunday, which makes Tuesday perfect for a fresh/chilled AI. You say Surgical insemination, do you mean implant, (with fresh/chilled/frozen?) or TCI? Is you vet doing another progesterone Tuesday and inseminating Tuesday? Can you have a progesterone drawn Monday to see where she is before you make plans to inseminate?

Re: Progesterone/breeding question

If you are doing a TCI, then Tues. should be fine. I usually do (2) AI's - maybe days 3 and 5 post LH or 4 and 6 post LH. Tuesday would probably be day 4 post LH, but I did have a girl just recently - go LH positive at just a little over 1.0. So, are you having the semen shipped? If so, and it is not on the way, then Tuesday is the first day you could do it. My vet usually has me wait to hit 5.0, but given the weekend, I would draw again on Monday to be sure she is 5.0 plus. If she does ovulate on Sun. then the eggs will be ready on Tuesday.

Re: Progesterone/breeding question

I would do another progesterone on Monday also - many bitches stall for a day or two.

Re: Progesterone/breeding question

Yes, implant with fresh chilled, so only one insemination- we are doing another progesterone Monday. So it sounds according to most of you that we'll be fine. Thanks for the reassurance.

I think she will probably ovulate on Sunday, which makes Tuesday perfect for a fresh/chilled AI. You say Surgical insemination, do you mean implant, (with fresh/chilled/frozen?) or TCI? Is you vet doing another progesterone Tuesday and inseminating Tuesday? Can you have a progesterone drawn Monday to see where she is before you make plans to inseminate?