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Breeding Bitch

Just curious how many times folks consider the 'max' to breed their bitches (assuming they handle whelping well) and what the last age is that you would consider breeding her?

No flames, no criticizing another please. Just the facts and why you believe your methods are correct. I will go from there. Thanks

Re: Breeding Bitch

JMHO, no "method" is correct. You simply treat each of your girls as individuals, and work with your vet to make sure you make the correct breeding decisions. A "one size fits all" breeding decision can be a disaster in the making.

Re: Breeding Bitch

I agree that each girl is different. Generally speaking, I think that 3 times is my limit. I have quite a few c-sections here, and 3 is also my limit with that. That is not to say that I haven't had bitches that could have had a fourth - they were so young looking and fit. Some girls look old at 7 and some don't. Some bitches enjoy the puppies and some don't. I think you learn from each breeding that you do. One bitch may not produce what you thought she would - even bred to 3 different studs, but hopefully by the third, you may be able to make a better choice for that bitch. Age 7 1/2 is my limit as far as age goes and I always do bloodwork first.

Re: Breeding Bitch

It depends on the bitch. I've had bitches retired after their 1st litter, and then others had 5 litters. I don't like to breed them past age 5-6.

Re: Breeding Bitch

I agree with Susan. Treat each bitch individually. If I had a super producing bitch thta whelped do easy I would breed her several times, given I had room to keep something. I personally believe 6, tops 7 is old enough, but that is a personal preferance with no research evidence to back that up! 10 would be WAY too old to put a bitch through.