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Selling puppies tp smokers

Not to bash smokers. I just wanted to share my experience and get some thoughts.

How to you feel about selling pups to smokers? I had a family visit and they smell of smoke. All I kept thinking was poor pup would be suffering from upper respiratory problems.

Anyone ever had it in their contract that must be non smoker?

Re: Selling puppies tp smokers

I think you need to pick your poison. Got anything in your contract about selling pups to people who use perfume? household cleansers? disinfectants? live in suburban areas with vehicle exhaust, lawn mower emissions, etc? people who paint inside their homes? use flea repellant? tick repellant? give vaccinations to their dogs? let them chew toys and eat the stuffing or their bedding?

You probably get my drift.......

I am more concerned about things like providing adequate food and shelter, good exercise, pup living as part of the family, etc.

Re: Selling puppies tp smokers

I have to agree, even though I am not a smoker and do not care for the smell. I know many good hearted people who happen to be smokers.I would never disregard a family just because of this one vice.

I am sure there are things you do that others would find distasteful, does this mean you are a bad pet owner?

Re: Selling puppies tp smokers

I would ask them if they smoke inside the house. If they do, I would not sell the puppy to them. you might even be giving them a wake up call.
I'm an ex-smoker and never smoked in the house because of the dogs.
Never had a problem with respiratory issues with them while smoking.

Re: Selling puppies tp smokers

I have to add my thoughts be it they may offend smokers. My boss and her husband are both chain smokers and give not a care that anyone else, be it human or canine, inhale the second hand smoke. It is law that they do not smoke in the workplace, but they stand at the door and it wafts right back into the building! It's disgusting. I have had customers complain that our reception area smells badly of smoke...that's just coming off the boss's breath, body and clothing! Their poor Golden would trot over from their house to work and he would just absolutely reek of the stench. I always felt bad for him. He never looked healthy. Now they have 2 Cavaliers and they too reek and it doesn't come off with baths. I will not sell to smokers. I will also not buy a used car that was owned by smokers either. I grew up in a non smoking and very physically fit family and it's just something I choose to avoid with my pups and mature dog placements. Each of us has a right to choose which makes this the free country it is.

Re: Selling puppies tp smokers

Yes, we all have the right to choose - whether it be smoking, drinking, overeating, exercising, whatever. "Physically fit" people die too, whether it's from cancer or heart problems or COPD or whatever. (Olympian Flo-Jo Joyner springs to mind....)

Give me a choice between a loving smoking home who lives with and looks after their pets and love them, or a health freak who locks the dog outside because it's "too dirty to be in MY home" , and I'll pick the loving smoking home every time.

We can't rule the world; if (generic)you don't want to sell them a puppy they'll find one somewhere else who will. Don't worry about it. People who are so rigid are exactly who the AR folks love.

Re: Selling puppies tp smokers

Non Smoker
Not to bash smokers. I just wanted to share my experience and get some thoughts.

How to you feel about selling pups to smokers? I had a family visit and they smell of smoke. All I kept thinking was poor pup would be suffering from upper respiratory problems.

Anyone ever had it in their contract that must be non smoker?

You'll find most smokers today do not smoke indoors. They'll put on a coat in the winter, stand on a doorstep and go outdoors. They don't want to expose the rest of the family to their hard to break habit.

That being said; I wouldn't worry about a smoker within the family of a pup buyer. There are many worse habits; alcoholism; drug addiction that don't smell when you meet the buyers.

We just found out 1 of our buyers from 5 years ago was arrested repeatedly for transporting drugs from No. to So. America.

I think I said enough; we can worry about everything if we sit and think long enough.

A quick question to the smoker about indoor or outdoor smoking might settle your worry if you want to. Do you also want to ask if they drink and drive with dogs and children in the car or buy and snif cocaine leaving it in danger of the dog eating the drug.

I would not just turn them down because you smelled cigarette smoke on their person.

Re: Selling puppies tp smokers

I would ask them if they smoke inside the house. If they do, I would not sell the puppy to them. you might even be giving them a wake up call.
I'm an ex-smoker and never smoked in the house because of the dogs.
Never had a problem with respiratory issues with them while smoking.

I am sorry I repeated 2 of you. I had replied and minimized it, came back to the computer and posted. I forgot to look at the newer replies.

Re: Selling puppies tp smokers

I knew my response would incite the flipside of the coin. It boils down to what you, the seller/breeder, feels. It doesn't matter how everyone else feels. Do what you believe.

Re: Selling puppies tp smokers

There was a study showing cats of smokers did indeed get cancers from second hand smoke.

Re: Selling puppies tp smokers

My questionnaire asks about family activities, and while that doesn't preclude an outdoor family from also smoking, I am guessing hiking/biking doesn't go hand in hand with it.

I have enough buyers to weed out the ones with kids that aren't good with dogs, etc.

If you would prefer NOT to sell to smokers, just screen your buyers better. You don't have to ask about smoking but ask them to tell you about their activities and specific outdoor things they do. Ask better questions.