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Any news on the little 6 week old puppy with neuro symptoms??

I've been wondering how the little puppy is doing that had been exhibiting lameness or neurological symptoms. Any up-dates??

Re: Any news on the little 6 week old puppy with neuro symptoms??

Thank you for asking about the little girl. She is now 8 weeks old and doing very well,actually she is back to herself. We had 3 titer tests done at Univ of Tn for infections that could have caused the neurological problems and all came back negative. She was started on an antibiotic 11 days ago called Clindamycin. Clindamycin is one of the antibiotics that crosses into the brain and is used to treat all of the possible infections she might have had. Within 5 hours of the first dose she was starting to stretch her body and get out of the postured position she was in. Every 6 hours we noted a change in her that was amazing. So now 11 days later, we still have no diagnoses other than Idiopathic Neurological Infection that responded well to Antibiotics. Idiopathic means no known cause. Our Vet believes she might have eaten some plant matter that might have been toxic. Her physical appearance went back to exactly what it was before and she is even more beautiful. Thank you all for the private emails and responding on the forum. It is because of you that I insisted on an antibiotic before the test results were in . I believe if I had waited the 4 days it took to get the results the ending would not have been this good. She comes off the antibiotic on Thursday after a 14 day course and I will rest easy on day 20 knowing it is gone for good. Thank you all again.

Re: Any news on the little 6 week old puppy with neuro symptoms??

I'm so glad to hear that your little baby girl is doing so much better! I couldn't stop thinking about her....Clindimycin is a great antibiotic that is also safe for use in puppies. Best of luck with your little peanut!

Re: Any news on the little 6 week old puppy with neuro symptoms??

Wonderful news! So glad to hear she is doing so good.