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Do you think the InGen results are reliable now?

Re: InGen


Re: InGen


Re: InGen


Well good luck with that!

Re: InGen

Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Re: InGen


Re: InGen

I did use Ingen and have decided before I breed I will double check the results with another company. So in the end it will cost me more money, but it did help me screen my young puppies.

I have only found one person who has stepped forward to claim they got incorrect results and that was back in May 2010. If you search old Ingen threads you should find that info.

Re: InGen

Hey, this is one of those rhetorical questions, right?

You understand they didn't move to the Bahamas for the good weather right? Well, maybe that was one reason but under Bahamian law, US companies (and you) have a very difficult time suing them when things go wrong.

No. I wouldn't trust them even if they did it for free. Too many bad excuses for incorrect results, testing that still hadn't been completed after 6 months, and refusal to offer refunds.

Re: InGen

I will continue to use Ingen. I used VetGen for color test years ago and they told me my girl was BBEE. Uh oh! She already had a yellow puppy. I was looking for what was on the B gene. Would I use them again? Absolutely. I don't think there is a lab that has never ever had an incorrect result. Get real you guys. Until dozens of people with REAL names post actual results, I am sticking with Ingen.

Re: InGen

Here is an example of my prior statement about doing something over and over and expecting different results. Where is a good shrink when you need one?

Re: InGen

Another view
Here is an example of my prior statement about doing something over and over and expecting different results. Where is a good shrink when you need one?

Dr. Phil,

I bought another Yugo but this one keeps breaking down too.
I've been on a diet for months but can't stop eating and I'm not losing any weight.
I'm smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day but can figure out why I'm always out of breath.
I'm buying lottery tickets but never seem to have enough money to pay the bills.

What should I do?

Re: InGen

ALL labs make mistakes. What are you going to do when the lab you use makes a mistake? Quit testing?

Re: InGen

ALL labs make mistakes.

Perhaps. Just as Medical doctors are human perhaps they all have made an error at some point in their career. I think you would agree there are good doctors and those that are not as good, right? ... and there are certainly differences between DNA laboratories based on track record.

What are you going to do when the lab you use makes a mistake? Quit testing?

If your Yugo breaks down does that mean you're going to stop driving? A better alternative might be to find a different car that is more reliable.

We do have choices... University of MN and DDC (for example)

Food for thought.

Re: InGen

I have never dealt with Ingen (and never will). They have been wrong too many times with too many tests. So, to answer your question about what I would do if my lab made a mistake, here are two other examples.

One lab that made a mistake and refused to admit the error or retest never got another dime of my business. Another that made a mistake immediately suspended ALL testing for that gene for some time until they felt the test was reliably accurate. I will support them with my loyalty and future business.

The real issue isn't just that we are all subject to human error, it is what we do about it and the safeguards put into place to avoid the same error in the future that matter.

Re: InGen

I'll use them. Have had many friends use them with good results.

If I recall, Optigen had it's share of problems when it first began testing for PRA. Many nice dogs were culled because of a mistake.

The Optigen error was on a much bigger scale than any problems Ingen has ever had.

Re: InGen

I'll use them. Have had many friends use them with good results.

But are they CORRECT results?

If I recall, Optigen had it's share of problems when it first began testing for PRA. Many nice dogs were culled because of a mistake.

Yes... the initial Optigen test was a marker test - not accurate. There were no "mistakes", but the test only identified a marker, not a gene mutation. If people culled based on a marker test, then it was their lack of understanding of the science. Only people who have no clue what they are talking about would keep bringing up the Optigen marker test. It has NO relevance to a discussion about Ingen. Period.

Re: InGen

Both companies made mistakes. Both companies seem to be accurate these days. Quit bashing Ingen. They are accurate and 1/3 the price of Optigen.

Re: InGen

Both companies made mistakes. Both companies seem to be accurate these days. Quit bashing Ingen. They are accurate and 1/3 the price of Optigen.

Lots of people and places I trust, sorry but InGen isn't one of them.

The fact is they still have yet to refund all the test results they screwed up, in fact they flat out ignored emails, quit answering their phone, and closed their facebook page because it just became a clearinghouse for customer complaints. They also made up a lame excuse about laboratory "contamination" in the midst of moving collection facilities to the Bahamas (in an attempt to avoid getting sued for patent infringement.) Ask Texas A&M how the relationship with InGen is going.

1/3 the price? Again, even if it were free, that still doesn't make it a good value. I could throw darts and save the trouble of collecting the samples.

I have a bitch that's EIC Clear DNA tested by DDC. If I find a stud I like but he was tested for anything by Ingen, I'll pay to have him re-tested somewhere else before I breed to him.

Re: InGen

I have been using Ingen for about 2 years. They did not have their act together a while ago but have since turned around. The last 4 test I sent Ingen I got back within 30 to 40 days. I was in no rush so the savings were worth it. I will be glad to share my results with anyone. I tested PRCD and EIC I tested dogs that were PRCD clear through parentage just to make sure. I had also tested dogs with the EIC through DDC all of my results have come back the same. I am happy with Ingen.

Re: InGen

The last 4 test I sent Ingen I got back within 30 to 40 days.

Re: InGen

It sounds like you are a hater that many dont want to listen to. The OP asked if we feel Ingen tests are reliable now. You dont care if they are reliable or not and just come here to vent.

To answer the OP, it seems the tests are reliable now.

Re: InGen

For most of us, InGen tests results aren't worth the paper they are printed on. IF it is for your own info purposes in your breeding program than that is at your own risk. Personally, that's a risk I am not willing to take with mine. If it is for a dog that may be used at stud, most bitch owners will not accept them as valid clearances.

Re: InGen

OOOOHHHHHH, kinda like the current EIC test?????????????????????????????????????????????

Another view

Yes... the initial Optigen test was a marker test - not accurate. There were no "mistakes", but the test only identified a marker, not a gene mutation.

Re: InGen

OOOOHHHHHH, kinda like the current EIC test?????????????????????????????????????????????

Not sure what is meant by that. The DNA test for EIC accurately identifies the specific mutation that causes EIC. If you're questioning the accuracy of the EIC then you are sadly mistaken.