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Grand Champion!!

Rock is now Am Gr Ch Can Ch Char-Don Ms T's Rockin' Tyme!

Huge congratulations to owners of this handsome chocolate boy, Susan Tsoi, and co-owners/breeders, Janet Schoonover and Terry McFadden!

Rock was handled to his Ch by Janet Schoonover and Memo Cavazos. He just took BOB this weekend at Channel City KC and a Group 4, BOB and Group 3 at Simi Valley KC, and a Select at San Fernando KC. He had a Group 1 in Sep 10 at Prescott KC.

Re: Grand Champion!!

Huge Congratulations!!

Re: Grand Champion!!


Re: Grand Champion!!

Another GRCH grats to Susan Tsoi, Janet Schoonover and Terry McFadden. Tks to Jennifer and Ron for filling us in.
