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TV Star for Misty Mountain & Gingerbred!

Ron and I were flipping through TV stations in between football games, and what did we see? An adorable, handsome, lovely yellow Labrador winning Group 2 at the Eukanuba National Championship!

A TV star is in our midst! What a great win for GR CH Gingerbred Celestial Thunder JH, CGC, aka Zeus!

Huge congratulations to Christine Tye of Gingerbred and Anthony Leitao and Lorraine Yu of Misty Mountain!!

Re: TV Star for Misty Mountain & Gingerbred!

I couldn't be home to watch it yesterday so I called my daughter and asked her to tape it for me. I can't wait to watch it!! Congrats Toni and Christine! Good boy Zeus!!

Re: TV Star for Misty Mountain & Gingerbred!

Yay...I was fortunate to be able to see all that excitement in person. Zeus looked great out there is the big ring. What a fun weekend!! Congratulations to all!