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Wormer for puppies

Nemex (pyrantel pamoate) or Panacur (fenbendazole)?

Re: Wormer for puppies

We use Strongid 2-4-6-8 weeks

Re: Wormer for puppies

Used for years, never had a problem.

Re: Wormer for puppies

Nobody else worms their puppies? Do you use something else?

Re: Wormer for puppies

For heaven's sake, of course we all worm our puppies. You got 2 reasonable answers, Nemex 2 or Panacur, isn't that good enough for you? There are some other over the counter worming remedies, that don't work as well as the two that have been mentioned. What does your mentor use?

Re: Wormer for puppies

I think you have asked a good question but you also need to give some information. What is the purpose of your worming? What organisms (not all worms) are you trying to kill? And have any of the organisms developed a resistance to any of the standard worming medications?

Re: Wormer for puppies

I was hoping to see which wormer was preferred for regular puppy roundworms and to also worm the mom. Mentor says to use either one.

Re: Wormer for puppies

We use Strongid 2-4-6-8 weeks
Same here. Also do Ponazuril as a preventative at 4 weeks as all rabbits in the area carry coccidia.

Re: Wormer for puppies

If roundworms are the only organisms, pyrantel pamoate (Strongid) is safe and effective and easy on the puppies. At 2, 4, 6 weeks. I do worry that roundworms in dogs are becoming resistant to Strongid as they are in horses because of overuse. But so far the roundworms of my puppies and mothers are treated by Strongid effectively.

I've had some bad reactions to fenbendazole (Panacur) in very young puppies (vomiting and diarrhea), though I give it once a year (alternating every six months with praziquantel (Droncit)) to adult dogs for tapeworms and whipworms and giardia.

If you give a commercial heartworm chewable medication monthly, be sure that you find out what ingredients are included in the monthly treatment. Iverhart, for example, contains praziquantel and pyrantel pamoate as well as ivermectin. I worry a great deal about overuse of these medications creating organisms resistant to them.

Re: Wormer for puppies

I've lived a few placed in the country, neither too bad with worms. Never had them. I worm with Nemex 2. My mentor used it, I use it. Does it work? I don't know. I don't have an issue with worms and when my pups get fecals, they don't have worms. So it's an easy thing for me to do to make sure and cover my bases.

Re: Wormer for puppies

I have used both pyrantel and fenbendazol without issue.