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Who are the judges for Our National Speciality...

Re: National

Here you go....

....the REAL National Specialty!!!!

Re: National

Judges for the 2011 National. I apologize in advance for the spelling errors.

national (Tues, wed, thursday)
Bitches: Paula Nykiel
Dogs: Jeff Gilcrest
Sweeps: Heidi Herman

For the no bells, no whistles show on Friday:
Bitches: Jeff Gilcrest
Dogs: Traci Stitzum (spelling? sorry)
Sweeps: Chris Kaafflan

Re: National

Whats the link to the judges panel?

Re: National

I do not believe there is a link yet.

Re: National

I've showed to her at all breed shows, but I didn't realize she is (or was) a Labrador breeder. I do like what she puts up. What is/was her kennel name? Thanks!

Re: National

She's not.

Re: National

Paula Nykiel is a pointer breeder, but she seems to know a good lab. Still, for the national club to use all breed judges just seems to me to send a certain message to the conformation community in the club. The more things change the more they stay the same with LRC. Go to their website under National Specialty and look at who the two people are that head up Judges Ed and tell me you wouldn't rather be getting your information from Judges Ed at the Potomac.

Re: National

who is Chris Kafflan

Re: National

sounds like a national worth missing......

Re: National

Who the heck is Jeff Gilcrest???????

Re: National

Barbara'a husband (Blackthorn)

Re: National Judges Correction

Jeff Gilmore and Paula Nykiel are the regular class judges. (and FYI Barb's husband's name is Bob NOT Jeff and Bob is NOT a liscensed AKC judge)

Paula Nykiel absolutely knows a good lab and has been mentored by some of the most well known,successful breeders in the East.

Jeff Gilmore has been in labs a VERY long time, IS a breeder and has judged at a number of Lab specialties throughout the US. He also knows what a good lab is.

I've never heard of Chris Kapplan in labs but judging by the way the above information was botched, this name is probably not correct either.

Heidi Herman, a known breeder in the East that has judged a lot of specialty sweeps and knows a good lab.

Miss this National? then it will be your loss. It hasn't been in the Northeast for many many years. The judges are good, know a good dog. Why don't you stop bashing it already and let everyone enjoy what is coming their way.

as for the Potomac, yes it the country's National but that doesn't mean they haven't had their fair share of judges that exhibitors didn't know or feel did not do a good job, so relax.

Re: National

sounds like a national worth missing......

This is a good judges panel for 2011. Paula is a Pointer breeder who has been judging Labradors for 25 years and does a nice job when there's something to use in her classes. Sure it would be nice to have another breeder/judge on the panel but Paula is about as close as you can get without actually being a Lab breeder. Jeff Gilmore and Tracy Stinzcum are both well respected Labrador Breeders and Heidi and Chris will be a pleasure to show to. What's the beef? Plus, Mid Jersey LRC's back to backs is just a few days later along with two all breed shows just after that. They usually have good Lab judges, too. Sounds like a good week to me. I'll be there if my dogs are in coat. It's a shame to bash all the other judges on the panel just because you are unhappy with one.

Re: National

Please don't be so quick to bash the National. There are 3 local Lab clubs involved in putting this year's shows on, and their members are working very hard to make this National a great experience for everyone. All this in addition to planning their own yearly specialties, I might add.
We have pushed very hard to get a second conformation show included, and our doing our best to provide lots of fun and interesting events for attendees. Try it; I think you'll like it.

Re: National

I'm so excited to have the National on the East coast this year. I can't wait to attend and compete in non-conformation events beyond the typical obedience and rally events that are offered at most specialties. I'm thrilled that so many competition choices are offered at our breed's National Specialty. Thank you to all the clubs involved in planning this event. I look forward to competing and having a great time!

Re: National

I am so exciterd to show My Boys in Rally... and in Obedience...It is not just about The Breed Ring...I am very excited to be at the Nationals for at least 5 days and to meet new and old friends..And for the "The Peeps" who do not like the judges.. Do Not Come... Who wants to see sour faces at ring side...

Re: National

One does not have to be a Labrador breeder to have an eye for a good dog. In fact, there are many people breeding Labradors who have no eye whatsoever. And I find that good all breed judges who understand Labrador breed type often have a better eye for the whole dog because they also consider movement (and care about it) in their judging. There are breeder judges who could care less if the dog can move as long as it has their preferred head, coat and tail. I think all breed judges are less likely to get caught up in breed fads and have to rely more on the standard. Those all breed judges whose primary breed is in the sporting group also understand what substance is necessary and it is not often that the overdone or weedy specimen is rewarded. And while politics can play a role in the all-breed ring, it is naïve to believe the specialty ring is free from politics. That has more to do with human nature than with dogs.

Ideally, all Labradors would be judged by breeders who have successfully bred dogs with both breed type and proven working ability – breeders who have personal experience with both form and function; however, those breeder judges are few and far between. Because of that, I think a nice balance between long established breeder judges and good all breed judges is healthy for the breed.

As far as the National is concerned, it is far more than a breed show – it is a celebration of the whole Labrador and offers more in that respect than any other show out there.

Re: National

Judging Labradors

As far as the National is concerned, it is far more than a breed show – it is a celebration of the whole Labrador and offers more in that respect than any other show out there.


Re: National

I am all for All Breed Judges... They have a Natural Eye for "The Labrador Standard"...Some Breeder Judges just put up Breeders who they KNOW!!!!!!Their eye goes from the lead to handler...

Re: National

Can someone tell me where on the East Coast it is this year? And the dates? Thanks!

Re: National

I completely agree that breeder judges put up their fellow Lab breeder friends. All politics. At least with all breed judges you do not have that favoritism determining a winner. who wants to win just because their friend is the judge? Seen it so many times its not even funny.

Re: National

Chris Kofron is doing sweeps on the other day. She is Valleywood.

It still amazes me why people are so quick to criticize everything. I am by no means perfect, but bashing everything at first glance, why?

Re: National

It is the nature of all Speiciality Shows to put up someone you have been "associated" with. I am very happy about the judge choice for Our National...

Re: National

For those of you who don’t know these judges, if you give them a chance, you will be pleasantly surprised. Paula Nykiel has been judging Labradors for a long time. She has judged several Labrador specialties, and loves a really pretty typey dog. Jeff Gilmore (Borowick Labradors) has also been involved in Labradors for a very long time. I watched him judge the Denver specialty this past year, and I loved what he put up. Chris Kofron (Valleywood Labradors) is a very well respected breeder and judge. She has bred some outstanding dogs over the years which many of us have in our pedigrees. Heidi Herman (Paradigm Labradors), has also bred some really nice dogs, and I have no doubt that she will be fair, and will be a great judge. Traci Stinzcum (Buttonwood Labradors) I don’t know personally, but she certainly has some very nice dogs. So, let’s give them a chance. This is an excellent panel of judges who I personally respect, and I know they will do an outstanding job.

Re: National

Old Timer
It is the nature of all Speiciality Shows to put up someone you have been "associated" with. I am very happy about the judge choice for Our National...

It certainly is not the "nature of all Specialty shows to put up someone you have been associated with". If a breeder judge puts up someone they happen to know they are doing it because they like the dog, the breed type and his standing in the class that day. Breeder judges who have been in the breed for years usually know each other well and if they "associate" with them it could be for many reasons, one of which is that they like a similar dog. You don't ignore a good dog because someone you know is at the other end of the lead. If that's the best dog, you do it and let ring side b#@*h about it. Regardless, you have to do the right thing and not worry about what anyone says.

Re: National

Who the heck is Jeff Gilcrest???????

If you've been in Labradors for more than 5 minutes, you'd know who Jeff Gilmore and Chris Kofron are and be very happy to show to them.

Re: National

Some of these are good judges!

Re: National

Who will be doing Best of Breed on those days?

Re: National

The Labrador Retriever Club National Specialty Week starts on October 10th with Tracking, and runs through to October 16th. The Hunt Tests, Working Certificate and Conformation Certificate are to be held on the weekend- 15th and 16th. There will be besides the Hunt Tests and Tracking: two Obedience, two Rally, and two Conformation shows. The event schedule is listed on the LRC site at
As you can see from the schedule, there will be almost any type of activity that you and your dogs may want to participate in as well as opportunities to socialize with all your friends in the evenings. To date, there are at least 3 evening parties being offered during the week. One evenings event will be at the historic Harvest restaurant in Pomfret Ct.
Another feature, which many folks I am sure will enjoy, is the opportunity to stay on the show grounds. Tony Emilio has worked his magic and arranged to have available RV's for rent so we are hoping to have our own RV Village right at the show site. The RV's may be rented or you of coarse may bring your own. The host hotel is the Comfort Inn in Dayville, Ct. The hotel is about 12 minutes from the show site and the hunt test site.
Assistance for the organization of this event is by the members of the LRC of Pioneer Valley, LRC of Greater Boston and the Pawcatuck River LRC. As was said on an earlier message, a tremendous effort is being put into making this a super event for everyone and their dogs. The LRC and the three area specialty clubs hope you will join-in the weeklong party for our Labs in the glorious "Quiet Corner" of Connectict!

Re: National

To Yawn.......
Yes,please stay home. We want to have a good time !

Re: National

Politics never enters the picture at an all breed show...................

Re: National

So is Traci Judging at this show?

Re: National

Yes I am judging at the regional specialty on Friday. It is an honor that I am thrilled about and look forward to.
Traci Stintzcum

Re: National Judges Correction

Nothing at all wrong with these judges and I'd be happy to show to them ... have in the past and they didn't always put my dogs up but I thought they did a great job.. and YES, I have nice dogs.

Re: National

I am plotting my escape from work and family so that I can be there for all the fun.

Re: National

People CONEHEAD SPEAKS THE TRUTH...check it out!

Re: National


Re: National

What standard are you reading?

The coat is a distinctive feature of the Labrador Retriever. It should be short, straight and very dense, giving a fairly hard feeling to the hand. The Labrador should have a soft, weather-resistant undercoat that provides protection from water, cold and all types of ground cover. A slight wave down the back is permissible. Woolly coats, soft silky coats, and sparse slick coats are not typical of the breed, and should be severely penalized.

Topline--The back is strong and the topline is level from the withers to the croup when standing or moving.

The underline is almost straight, with little or no tuck-up in mature animals. Loins should be short, wide and strong; extending to well developed, powerful hindquarters.