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kennel cough

What does everyone use for kennel cough?

Re: kennel cough

Well the last time we had it was right after the Syracuse show and I went holistic. 12-16 oz.warm water, 2-3 Tblsp. Real lemon juice and 3 drops of Hydrogen Peroxide in a water bucket. If the dog won't drink it which is entirely possible the first couple of x, soak pieces of bread in it and cup it with water in your hands and let the dog lap it up...they will! Before you know it you'll have used 2-3 slices of bread, but all the mixture will be where you want it. After a few x my dog drank the water on her own and nary a cough! The quickest recovery I've ever seen. I did this concoction at least 4x a day until it was over...maybe a week. No drugs at all.

Re: kennel cough

I used Doxy for all of the bigger guys 2x a day and Robitussin for the Cough. I used Clavamox for the puppies and Pediatric Robitussin for the cough.

Re: kennel cough

I double up on the Vit C. IF pups have it I give them amoxi for a few days. Honey to soothe their throat. I've never had any of my dogs have kc for more than two days (knock on wood!!)

Re: kennel cough

I agree with, Just had it in the whole kennel. I just had it also and that is exactly what I used. Doxy.

Re: kennel cough

What dosage for a 50-60 lb Lab? and how often?

Re: kennel cough

I also agree with Just Had It, that is exactly what we did, as this is what our vet advised.

Re: kennel cough

Had it over Christmas ... made a lot of chicken broth with lots of garlic, celery and carrots ... that's what the entire crew had to drink ... put it on their kibble too (2 soup ladles per feeding) ...

Benylin Dry Cough every 4 hours ... about 5 cc's ... cleared up in no time ..