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Bump between should blades

My boy has a small hard grape size lump between his shoulder blades. Before I get too worried I was wondering if it could be his microchip that developed some scar tissue. It's the same location as the chip???

Re: Bump between should blades

Not likely. How old is your dog?

Re: Bump between should blades

Possibley a vaccine site reaction. Have your Vet take a look at it.

Re: Bump between should blades

Get a needle biopsy of this lump immediately. A friend of mine found such a lump between shoulder blades and it was a very aggressive malignancy.

Hope your boy is fine. Early action is helpful, and good for you in finding a lump in such an unusual place. My friend's dog is still going strong so far.

Re: Bump between should blades

I just had the same thing shortly after microchipping a puppy. It got progressively smaller over a few days.


Re: Bump between should blades

Could also be an impacted oil gland around a hair folicle. My girl had a similar size bump and the vet confirmed the above