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Bladder Stones

I just rescued an 8 yr. old female, yellow English Labrador.
She had a very bad UTI and blood in urine. After one round of antibiotics she still had traces of blood and some infection. The vet took an x-ray and found bladder stones. She recommended surgery @$750 to $1,000.
Does anyone have experience with this issue? Can the dog live with them? Is surgery the only fix? Other info?

Re: Bladder Stones

First of need to realize the dog is in a huge amount of pain.

My then 10 year old went through this a year or so ago. We were able to clear it up with 60 days of antibiotics and a special diet from the vet. I have kept her on the diet in order to prevent future stones. I am happy to say they have not recurred.

Her stones were not large so we felt we had a good chance that they would clear up without surgery. Given her age, I was hesitant in putting her under unless I needed too. However, we monitored it and were prepared to do surgery if it was not resolving within a few weeks or was getting worse.

If they are large stones or cannot be broken up/disolved with antibiotics and diet, then yes, you need to have the surgery done. Do you have her on a special diet for this condition? How long was she on antibiotics? Maybe get a second opinion.

Good luck with your sweet girl.

Re: Bladder Stones

Stones are very painful and can be life threatening if they block the urethra. Kate