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Water Bucket Mess

Moved one of my youngsters to a corner kennel so I can move a puppy into the run on the outside edge of the kennels, (easier to clean). Every day Crush plays in his water bucket that is hanging on the kennel fence. I have tried multiple hooks/snaps to tighten his bucket to the fence, he has broke several and he still flips the bucket spilling water everywhere. The buckets with the hooks on the back, he has managed to break the hooks off. Now that he is in a run in between a wall & another run his kennel isn't drying as well. I hate not to leave him water during the day. Any suggestions on how to tie down a water bucket to prevent spilling/flooding?? My kennels are in my basement. One side is the boys and the other is the girls. I like putting puppies on the outside runs as they are easier to clean. TIA!

Re: Water Bucket Mess

Maybe bungee cord around the bucket?

Re: Water Bucket Mess

I have a puppy bitch like this , she is now 14 mos old, and will not leave a SS bucket hung on her kennel run to save her life. I have finally stopped replacing expensive stainless steel buckets for her, and gave her a small wading pool. She can play in it, and drink it too. Its either that or she goes without water all day. [oh , and she chews the wading pool too]
I have small SS buckets in their crates too, w/water, she dumps it , and then has a wet crate all night. So , I took that away too.

Re: Water Bucket Mess

I would not use a bungee. I had a baby gate attached with a bungee a few years ago and one puppy got it in it's mouth and had to be removed . They can be dangerous.

Maybe you could try a SS pan with some ice cubes in it - they will last longer than plain water, so when he tips it out - he'll have ice for an hour or so.

Re: Water Bucket Mess

Darned labs and their water fixations! One thing you might try is a bigger bucket fastened as tightly as you can but in the bottom put a big rock to give it some weight. Might help?!

Re: Water Bucket Mess

In my outside run I use the hard plastic (indestructable) water buckets you would find at TSC for livestock, snapped to the fence.

At the least, my dogs would play with it and dump all the water out. Many times within a few hours they had it somewhere out in the run, in pieces.

I now have a chain with a snap at each end that I snap to the fence around the middle of the bucket; holding it tight to the fence. For the most part it works.

Another interesting note; this works if I use green buckets. If I buy blue or red, they destroy them the first day.


Re: Water Bucket Mess

You could water him when you are home, three or four times a day. For during the day when you are gone, try a big dog water bottle, such as one from Lixit. Try it first when you are going to be around to make sure he can't destroy that from inside the run. The bottle would have to hang outside the run, so there will be some leakage if you have to put it on the door, when the door swings. I like the other poster's idea of ice cubes, too, in a pan on the floor--maybe a no-tip water bowl, to slow him down. Here I could just bring in my giant icicles!

Re: Water Bucket Mess

Try a LIX-IT. My boys' is attached to the outdoor water faucet. They quickly got the hang of it. You'll probably have to run a water hose to the kennel and fasten it to the kennel wall. Then the challenge is not having the dog get to the hose. Labs, don't you love their ingenuity?

Re: Water Bucket Mess

Maybe crate train the youngster first, and have a kennel bucket in the crate. with less room to get crazy and out of control in play...they learn to sleep along side the crate bucket, rather than playing with it.
It becomes a fixture in their space. then move the youngster back into the kennel?

Just a thought. I don't have kennels here...but i do crate train.

Re: Water Bucket Mess

I just thought of something similar to the big bucket idea. Maybe a larger bucket, bolted to the kennel with the smaller one inside would work. I'd still use a snap or biner to clip the smaller bucket to the bigger one.

Re: Water Bucket Mess

Have a couple bucket dumpers here too, and they get worse if there is ice in the bucket. Getting desperate here LOL My son is going to try to make a strong metal basket holder for the bucket to sit in, the basket will be fixed tight to the chain link on the kennel (maybe welded), and the bucket will be tightly clamped to the holder. If anything maybe it will take awhile for the labs to figure how to dump the bucket from this setup and will actually have a full bucket of water for at least a few days

Re: Water Bucket Mess

My friend Debbie solved this by making a cement form with the ss bucket set into the cement. It is too heavy to tip over and they can't get to the bucket to chew it. As the bucket is not on the ground, it is harder to dig in also.


Re: Water Bucket Mess

I have this in problem in one of my play paddocks. I found a large rock jammed under the bucket and another larger rock holding the bucket against the fence has made it impossible to move the bucket.

Re: Water Bucket Mess

Thanks for all of the ideas. I like the cement and the basket ideas. I actually thought about using some old choke chains and snapping them around the bucket. I may put that together over the weekend and see how long it lasts.

The goal I am going for is to try to prevent Crush from soaking the kennel as well as himself during the day.

Re: Water Bucket Mess

When my girl was younger she would dump her water all over the floor. I finally got a 5 gallon paint bucket from Home Depot and put a couple of large concrete pavers in the bottom. It raised the bowl up enough so she could drink, but she couldn't knock the bowl over. If any water splashed it went into the bucket. Solved my problem.

Re: Water Bucket Mess

Try keeping EMPTY buckets in her run. In time, they should lose their appeal. Then, very gradually, add a SMALL amount of water to a bucket - just enough for a drink. It could take a couple of weeks or more, but she should be able to get over her obsession when it is not as much fun.

Re: Water Bucket Mess

horse stuff!

Re: Water Bucket Mess

We've used a large,stainless steel bucket set in a smaller, trailer tire in the dog yard. The bucket fits snugly and the tire makes it very hard to tip over. The bucket has the handle removed so there's no way the dogs can get their heads stuck.