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Re: Claire White Peterson, National questions?

Thanks for posting possible schedule for The National. I'm thinking to come down with puppies and dogs to show conformation at both National and bare bones show. Why is schedule set up like this? not easy, requires taking vacation days Tues - Friday? and judges education training running same time as best in sweeps and bitch judging on Wed? not good, conflicts here on where to be and to watch. Would be better to have classroom part of judges training done Tuesday and then all could sit at show to watch all judging on Wed & Thurs. If all sweeps moved to Wed, so people only need to take Wed - Fri off to show puppies and dogs then possible to get bunch more people showing, now three days needed for two conformation shows, not four days. Better deal for most people, less vacation days needed , many specialties to choose now in the fall.

Re: Claire White Peterson, National questions?

The week long event schedule is set up to accommodate exhibitors who wish to compete in as many of the offered events as possible. Exhibitors come from all over to have the opportunity to participate in the challenge/awards and in order to do this, they must be able to show or run their dogs in all the venues offered. The "challenge" for those who are organizing an event of this size, is to try to fit everything in during the week.
Also please note that this is a "tentative" schedule as is noted at the top of the posted notice on the LRC site. The final schedule of coarse will not be up until after the entries close. The current posted schedule is just to give everyone a rough outline of the events.
Judges Education is arranged to allow for a 1/2-day classroom portion, and the second half will be a ringside mentoring.
As with any other specialty, the timing of the classes will depend on the entry.