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Knee replacements

Knee replacements using joints created with stem cells are being done on dogs, and may be in the future for people, too.

Re: Knee replacements

I should have waited. Boo hoo.

Re: Knee replacements

How are you making out Gail? You had both done at the same time? replacement is in my future.....

Re: Knee replacements

I'm doing great. I had my first done 3 1/2 years ago amd I had my other done Dec 27. Neither time was a problem, but it seems the 2nd one was a lot faster rehabilitating. I've already been released (a week ago) from therapy.
No way could I do both at the same time with all my dogs. I would have had to go to rehab.
My dr is one of the best on the east coast, and home therapy is the way to go. Much more natural than the places with all the equipment.