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Labradors with Rotties

I have a person wanting to purchase a labrador puppy from me. They have 3 Rottweilers. Two that are five years old and one that is seven. They have a kennel set up and they show.

Has anyone out there sold one of their puppies to a home with rottweilers?


Re: Labradors with Rotties

7 years ago I got a rottweiler from a friend, was a female and extremely gentle, but with 18 months when she went into heat she almost killed one of my labs.

Re: Labradors with Rotties

No Way! Too much at stake... 3 Rotties and one lab... Please think about it.. Yes there are some gentle Rottweilers out there.. but This is a Death Trap...They should get another Rottie pup especially if they show and are into the breed of Rottweilers.....

Re: Labradors with Rotties

No Way! Too much at stake... 3 Rotties and one lab... Please think about it.. Yes there are some gentle Rottweilers out there.. but This is a Death Trap...They should get another Rottie pup especially if they show and are into the breed of Rottweilers.....

Oh please stop with the rhetoric.

OP if you have a gut feeling you don't want to sell to them, then don't.

Re: Labradors with Rotties

I agree. Would not do it.
Have had rotties for 15 years, know the breed and just wouldn't do it.

Re: Labradors with Rotties

In all my years I haven't had this situation present itself.

My instincts about this woman tell me she is a great lady and a great home for a lab. IF she didn't have 3 rotties! As I told her on the phone last night rotties have a completely different mentality than labs and 3 rotties makes a pack against one lab. NOT GOOD. A tragedy just waiting to happen.

So because I liked her so much I directed her to the forum here and told her I was going to pose this question to the experienced people out there around the "world". This was to help her as well. So she knows what she could be in for mixing this doggy cocktail! And hopefully give her a more educated basis upon which to NOT purchase a labrador puppy from anyone.

Thank everyone.

As always...the knowledge on this forum is the greatest thing about this forum.

Labradors with Rotties

I have two Rotts, and also have friends who Breed Labs. I know they would not hesitate to sell me a Lab Pup if I so wanted one. It's about how you manage your Dog(s). I'm sorry you all have such a negative opinion.

Re: Labradors with Rotties

It is not about neagitve opinion it is about REALITY... Really lets be honest.. It is not a good combo.. I love Rotties and have family that owns them... But not be under ONE roof as pets with family.. Highly Unrealistic..

Re: Labradors with Rotties

Sorry I agree with the "It is not a good combination"
Working dogs/Sporting dogs..Different Dogs.. No Brainer

Re: Labradors with Rotties

I started out in Rottweilers and it is a breed that I still adore to this day. Training one at a young age and then later becoming a breeder really taught me fundamentals that I still refer to today. After getting into Labs I had two Rottweilers and two Labradors living under the same roof and never had a problem. One of the Rottweilers was even a registered therapy dog and quite honestly both Rottweilers had their CGC's and "Labrador" temperment. I completely trusted all of the dogs with people and other strange dogs. It is all about training and upbringing. I have see some Labrador temperments that I wouldn't trust with man or beast.

If possible to the OP, you might want to meet these Rottweilers and get your impression of them yourself.

Re: Labradors with Rotties

Hi Check with LRCP member Linda Noll she an authority.. She HAS Rotties and Labs!

Re: Labradors with Rotties

Thank you Nancy, I do and have had Rotties 35 years and Labs for 20 years now. I do not have kennels and right now I have 3 female and 1 male Rottie that eat, sleep and play with 3 female and 1 male Lab. It has always been this way. Any dog will become whatever you want him to be with time and patience. Some of these guys came to me at 2 and 3 years of age, so I don't think it was about raising them from puppyhood either. Most reputable Rottweiler people also believe temperament is paramount. One of my Rotties- a 17 month old male that that been traveling for a few months just finished yesterday and will be coming home. He will find his way back into the hierarchy of the pack without incident, as he will be closely guided by us for a few weeks.
Last year when my Lab had 12 pups, the Rottie girl jumped right in the whelping box to help and they raised the litter together, no questions asked. I will send you pictures of them together, cleaning and feeding the pups! It is a happy bunch and I don't see any reason why the two breeds wouldn't be happy together.
Having said that, the OP needs to look into where her pup will be- is it a kennel situation or are they also house dogs? Would they run together or just see one another through a fence? That's up to her, but being negative without knowing the situation isn't the way to go either. Common sense would dictate that a young pup could not play rough with any large older dog. Hope your pup winds up in a wonderful home, whether it lives with a Rottie, a Newfoundland (which is also a working dog) or a cat!

Re: Labradors with Rotties

Linda it's wonderful your experience however it more likely the exception than the norm.
It's not how you handle them as much as what their pedigree is IMO.

Re: Labradors with Rotties

Yes I do speak from my experience. While not everyone should own a Rottweiler, I can tell you that the parent club has worked long and hard over the past 35 years to implement and enforce a strict Code of Ethics and Mandatory Breeding Practices adhered to by all members.(
Part of that is having a CGC or an ATTS (temperament test) before breeding. We have owned Rotties from many different pedigrees, as well as a few from Germany, and have never had a problem with the Labs. Is it because the members of the parent club adhered to these rules? Maybe, but I do know the breed today is much sounder in body and mind because of it.

Re: Labradors with Rotties

That's wonderful to hear!
As a lover of rotties I am happy they are addressing the issues and fixing the problems!

Yes I do speak from my experience. While not everyone should own a Rottweiler, I can tell you that the parent club has worked long and hard over the past 35 years to implement and enforce a strict Code of Ethics and Mandatory Breeding Practices adhered to by all members.(
Part of that is having a CGC or an ATTS (temperament test) before breeding. We have owned Rotties from many different pedigrees, as well as a few from Germany, and have never had a problem with the Labs. Is it because the members of the parent club adhered to these rules? Maybe, but I do know the breed today is much sounder in body and mind because of it.

Re: Labradors with Rotties

I have a person wanting to purchase a labrador puppy from me. They have 3 Rottweilers. Two that are five years old and one that is seven. They have a kennel set up and they show.

Has anyone out there sold one of their puppies to a home with rottweilers?



I wondered the same thing

A Rottie ladie wrote me last week wanting a show/hunting male puppy, and they have show rotties, but said they were not breeders.

She said her husband wanted to use the lab for hunting, and she wanted to show him.

I did not want my lab staying in a kennel by himself or with rotties.

Re: Labradors with Rotties

I did sell a black bitch puppy to a home last year that had a 3 year old rottie. Purely pet home and the two get on great and are inseperable.

Re: Labradors with Rotties

I think the issues are possibly worse if the rotties didn't grow up with labs.
Also can't help but remember how careful handlers are at shows when all the rotties are waiting to go in the ring. They keep them on a tight lead and never lose contr of their heads. I have seen a few altercations but then I've seen that in labs too which is a shame.

Re: Labradors with Rotties

Maybe they keep them on a tight lead because when the pug going past with the handler who isn't watching starts snarling at the Rottie, the Rottie will get blamed for starting a fight. Maybe they are responsible with 110 pound animals that belong to their clients that are spending thousands of dollars to show them.The GSD people are careful, the Great Dane people even more so- I've seen lab people chatting it up ringside oblivious to the fact people need to get by with a Terrier or Poodle- they are just so sure their dogs won't react if threatened. Going out into a crowded (with dogs) public place and being careful should be commended. It has nothing to do with growing up with Labs, Poodles or ferrets for that matter.

Re: Labradors with Rotties

I know a Rottweiler breeder whose Rottweilers don't always get along with each other. Especially when there is a bitch in season. She actually had boarded one of her bitches when she was in season. I wonder if you couldn't find a better situation for your puppy.