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bald spot on my girl

I was just petting my black girl and noticed about 5 white hairs on her neck. I was petting in that area and see she has a dime size bald spot there. Any ideas? She is sue to have pups in 2 weeks. I hate to "start something" at the vets with her pregnant.

It looks like alopecia.

Re: bald spot on my girl

it's always something
I was just petting my black girl and noticed about 5 white hairs on her neck. I was petting in that area and see she has a dime size bald spot there. Any ideas? She is sue to have pups in 2 weeks. I hate to "start something" at the vets with her pregnant.

It looks like alopecia.

Call your vet and describe it. You can tell them you prefer not to bring her in at this point of gestation. If you're doing a pre-whelp xray, have the vet take a look then if they're okay with waiting 10 days. If there is no infection, nothing scaby, just a bald area perhaps it's from hormones.

Again, give your vet a call. I doubt they'll insist on seeing her now if it's a topical dime size baldness and 5 white hairs. If they do and you trust your vet maybe they can come to your vehicle to take a look instead of bringing her indoors.

I've seen a few odd coat colors show up during whelp. When it happened, they fell out during coat-blow post-whelping and didn't come back. I did not see any bald spots when that happened tho.