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What age do you start feeding puppies?

Just curious what everyone else does.
I start at 3-4 weeks. More often 4.

Re: What age do you start feeding puppies?

When I think they need it. I usually see some loose stools and have found a gruel mix firms it right up again. Too much milk? too rich? I don't know, but by 3 wks, mine seem to do better w/ some bulk in their diet. I know of others that don't feed until after 5 wks but it just hasn't worked for me. Anne

Re: What age do you start feeding puppies?

Newly weaned puppies can have more problems when vaccinated. It might be best for the puppies if you wean earlier and get them used to eating food.

Re: What age do you start feeding puppies?

usually between 3 and 4 weeks old, depends on the size of the litter and how much milk mom has.

Re: What age do you start feeding puppies?

I feed raw food and they get their first ground meat meal at about 2 1/2 weeks. By 3 weeks they are listening for the food pan and chowing down.

I also add Puppy Gold to the meat (the mother has been eating it for weeks and continues with it until the puppies are weaned) to make sure all the nutrients are there.

Re: What age do you start feeding puppies?

depends on the Mama and how she is doing and if they are up, moving around and acting "hungry". Usually not til about 4 wks.

Re: What age do you start feeding puppies?

I start at the same age as well. Here's a question though. We are doing 4 feedings. When do you all normally find they can do fine on 3? I am looking to sleep through the mignight hour again! LOL