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Question to Breeders...

Do you like to receive pictures of your pups/dogs that you place/sell? Or do you find it more of a nuisance to receive them?

Re: Pictures

We love seeing pictures of the puppies we have bred. Its great to see and hear updates on them. If a breeder thinks getting updates or pictures of their puppies they breed is a nuisance, then they shouldn't be breeding!!!

Re: Pictures

I totally agree. I love getting pictures. To me it shows the people love and enjoy their new family member. I can see how the dog looks, if it is too fat, or thin, and if that breeding produced what I hoped it would, to know if I wanted to do a repeat.
I just appreciate hearing that the dog is well, if it is going to any obedience, hunting, or any other kind of training. And mostly that it is loved,appreciated, and respected.

Re: Pictures

LOVE pictures! However, it seems that the buyers who pestered me for daily posed pictures are the ones that only send a photo once a year and it is usually one that is out of focus, from 100 yrds away :), or really dark and hard to see the dog!
I do tell my buyers to send frequent updates with photos, and tell them that it does not have to be a stacked or posed picture, but you should be able to at least see the dog!
I ship the majority of my dogs to new homes a couple of states away, so pictures are the best way of seeing how the dog is doing and growing.

Re: Pictures

Love them, cannot imagine how anyone would think it was a nuisance. The placement of my pet puppies , is what allows me to do what I do. I cannot keep the whole litter, I need these good homes, and I want to know that they are taken care of. Pictures allow me a window to see that , without making a nuisance of myself with a million questions on "how are they doing ?"

Re: Pictures

Not only do I like getting them - I post them on my website, with the permission of the owners. I can't imagine a breeder who would consider it a nuisance to be updated on the progress of the puppy in any way, including problems that have occurred. My puppy buyer's problem is my problem! I agree with teh poster who said that a breeder who doesn't appreciate this type of feedback shouldn't be breeding.

Re: Pictures

We love seeing our pups grow and hearing about their lives! It also give opportunities for advice when they need it. The only time I don't like it is when the pup they took turns out better than my keeper

You can learn a lot from the photos - I learned from one litter that although my keeper had a great back end - all the sibs are quite straight so I'll be sure when I breed this girl to look for good back angles even though she has them - her siblings don't and poor angles could be in her genes, etc.

Re: Pictures

I love getting pictures from puppies I have sold. Even more, I do stay in such a good contact with my puppy buyers that we always try to have a group meeting couple of times through out the year so that everybody can meet and talk about their dogs and stuff. It's really fun and so nice to see them all grown up and happy with their families

Re: Pictures

We love seeing pictures of the puppies we have bred. Its great to see and hear updates on them. If a breeder thinks getting updates or pictures of their puppies they breed is a nuisance, then they shouldn't be breeding!!!

You're right. If a breeder finds photographs to be a nuisance, they're not breeding for the right reasons. Good breeders are breeding for their keeper pups but also get enjoyment from seeing their buyers happy with their pup or dog. How best to see it? Photographs if you don't see them in person.

I enjoy any & all sent, be they in email or hard copy. I keep a special folder with sub-folders by name if that family sends often. I also scan the hard copies into my puter for my viewing pleasure.

My favorites are Christmas photograph cards. I display them with all of my holiday cards. My non-breeder friends come to visit and can't believe how many families send cards and the extremes they go to sometimes. Several have professional photographers for sometimes just their furry child. They are showing their love & pride for their Lab.

About the photographs. My opinion is I don't like to see those photos as *TESTIMONIALS* on websites. That word makes me shudder. There has to be better wording such as *BRED BY US & LOVED BY OTHERS*. If displaying those photographs on a website, the Lab owner should be asked if it's okay to display on line, especially if children are in the photo. I haven't done that yet but would never use the name or location to protect the *family* from internet vultures.

I received 27 Christmas themed cards with photos this year. Deliteful!

Re: Pictures

I have a News section where i display some of the more interesting photographs, as well as titles earned, show wins, successful duck hunts, etc. I usually identify the owners by first name and sometimes by state of residence. I don't know if anyone else ever goes into that page, but I enjoy browsing through it occasionally.

As i said above, I always ask permission, at least for the first picture I post. The only person who turned my down was the recipient of a service dog who did not want her picture on the web. She was fine with my posting a picture of her dog, but I didn't like the one she sent.