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Canidae for litters

For those of you who raise litters with Canidae, What would you recommend, the ALS or the Chicken? Also, what do you feed your adults? I used to feed Canidae before the change. At the time of the change they were on something else. I am thinking of switching back.

Re: Canidae for litters

I tried ALS (which I've fed for 12+ yrs here, w/o any problems to my adults) to a litter ~4 yrs ago, and saw rather obvious knuckling and other uneven growth at 5.5 wks. I've since gone back to Euk LBP which gives me good uniform growth. The Ca/P levels are just too high in Canidae for my puppies. I ask folks to wait until 1 yr to change over.

Re: Canidae for litters

Our pups didnt grow well on Canidae being they dont have a puppy formula. The pups turned out skinny, lanky like the american type. Since then we have been on a good puppy formula for pups and they grow fantastic.

Re: Canidae for litters

I have raised a litter on Canidae ALS, Innova LBP, and Solid Gold Wolf Cub but my litter now will be weaned onto Royal Canin Maxi Puppy until 12 weeks and then onto Medium Puppy until 6-8 months old. I have a 5 month old puppy that came from her breeder on Royal Canin Medium puppy and I love how she has kept her bone, grown very evenly, has a coat to die for and never once had runny poos, even in the midst of cutting her teeth. In fact as a breeder you can get the RC Maxi puppy in 40 lb brown bag. Mine came in today so I am anxious to get my crew started on it in the next few days.

Re: Canidae for litters

We did ok on the old Canidae but left the new version behind. We are doing Pro Plan now. I like what I am seeing so far.

Re: Canidae for litters

I also recently brought in a puppy from another breeder, and this puppy was weaned to, and raised on Purina Pro Plan Performance formula. She has kept her bone, substance, coat, and has not gone down in the pasterns like some puppies do while teething. Stools have been small and perfect, she has grown nicely, and keeps her weight easily, which is sometimes difficult to do during this rapid growth period. PPPP is labeled for all life stages, so she will be on this food indefinitely. I like how well she is doing on it, that I switched my whole crew to this food with wonderful results, small stools, great coats, bright eyes, and tons of energy.

I was going to switch my bitch that I am planning to breed soon to PPP puppy chicken and rice, before she comes in season, but I have decided to continue to feed her the Performance instead, and to wean her litter on to it as well.

There is a reason why so many breeders feed Pro Plan. Although I think they made a big error when they started the whole Shreds business.

Re: Canidae for litters

I have noticed many feed ProPlan. Does anyone had any effects with the corn? I really hate that it has con in it.