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Backing out of sale

I’m curious if anyone has backed out of selling a puppy at the last minute and returned the deposit, was there any type of retaliation?

Re: Backing out of sale

I doubt there is anything the buyer could do. They were made whole by getting their money back.

Re: Backing out of sale

I did, 3 yrs ago. I did not take deposits at that time. This woman had been calling me from a neighboring state and I really liked her on the phone. When the puppies were about 6 weeks old, I invited all prospective owners out for a visit. She came with her daughter. She shreiked at her daughter the entire time about stepping in puppy poop(there was none as I was cleaning as soon as they went). The daughter would not look at or touch the puppies. I felt very uncomfortable and it was obvious the others did as well. I had been very careful to not promise anyone a puppy, and said that decisions would be made after we evaluated the litter. But only the people I was somewhat serious about were invited that day. After she left,I agonised over what to do. But I just could not see having any relationship with her for the next 12+ yrs. I called her and told her I just could not in good faith place a puppy with her. She was not happy and told me I would be sorry. After that call, I never heard anything else from her. It was not easy, but I know I made the right decision.

Re: Backing out of sale

I've backed out of a couple of sales at the last minute. I had one that had waited a year for a puppy from me. When we first spoke the husband was a self employed contractor--not very busy. When they came to visit they informed me they would be gone from 7am until 4:30 each day. The puppy would get no lunch, no potty break and be in a crate all that time. I said no puppy. They got nasty. I ignored them. Nothing happened. I had another who had a deposit on a yellow male. The lone yellow male had an overbite. I informed them. I sent 7 e-mails over a week period with pictures. I called 3 times--no answer. Finally I talked to him and he said he was going to get second "opinions" --who was going to pay for that...and why? I had a note from my vet stating the pup was healthy and had an overbite. I sent him back his $50 and gave him the phone numbers of 2 breeders in the area that breed more than I do. He said he was going to contact AKC...ranted and raved. I never heard from him again.

Re: Backing out of sale

If you're backing out just because the pup turned out better than you thought it would and tell the buyer, sure there could be retaliation.

The others that replied had good reasons in the best interests of the puppy for backing out. Do you have a good, particular reason for doing so?

Re: Backing out of sale

Bet you all have experienced this scenario: a woman comes over with her son, wants the pick of the litter and she will choose the pick, I tell her nicely that I bred the litter so that I could choose my pick puppy first and that after I chose i would "help" the puppy buyers choose so that every one was thrilled with the puppy that hey took home. Well, again she insisted that she get to pick first and take the puppy of he choice, again I explained my protocol. this went on for a bit while she bossed around her son and raved. finally I just told her that I was not going to have any puppy available for her, thatI was not comfortable with her demands.......

Re: Backing out of sale

I am just starting to breed my Labs but have done TONS of rescue work, puppies as well as older dogs and here's my opinion.

These dogs are in YOUR care and you have a responsibility, whether money is exchanged or not, to place that dog in the best possible home. A home that is right for the dog as well as the family. I see more than 4,000 dogs put to sleep in my little county in North Carolina alone every year because dogs were in the wrong place at the wrong time!! And very often because people got in over their heads with a puppy they weren't ready for or equipped to care for.

As I understand a deposit, it holds a puppy IF one that suits the family is available.

If your gut ever tells you that one of your dogs is going to the wrong place, listen!!!!

Re: Backing out of sale

"The others that replied had good reasons in the best interests of the puppy for backing out. Do you have a good, particular reason for doing so?"

Quite honestly the specific reasons really don't matter. I think if one reviews the major two reasons a breeder backs out of a sale are:
A, The family turns out not as originally presented.
b, In dealing with the family, the breeder develops an uncomfortable feeling that this would not be a good choice for one of their babies.
Over the years we have turned down a few, not so much in recent years as I think our screening process improved.

Re: Backing out of sale

I've turned down people at the end of the process because my gut kept telling me that something was wrong. In each case, I later discovered that my gut was very right. I only wish that I had listened earlier and saved a lot of heartaches, but I was trying to give the families every chance. Of course, I returned the deposit in each case.

Re: Backing out of sale

If I am not mistaken, in some states accepting a deposit is a guarantee of producing the product/pup, so to speak.

Not that this would make a difference if I decided the home was not right for my pup, but if your state has this law the buyer may have a leg to stand on in taking breeder to court.

Just something to consider when taking deposits.

Re: Backing out of sale

As previous post stated "accepting a deposit is a guarantee of producing the product/pup" This is true in New Jersey. I will take a deposit after meeting with the family.

Re: Backing out of sale

I just had that happen to me. I sent pictures of the puppies to everyone and the people who are getting first pick were just amazed that I was getting first pick? I told them, when I talked to them that I get first pick and they get pick after me, if I keep something. Well, got this harsh email from them that this was news to them? So, I might just send the deposit back, since they have started this sort of stuff before they even get the puppy. I can imagine what they will be like after they get the puppy

Re: Backing out of sale

Whenever potential puppy buyers start insisting on they want the "first pick" puppy, it is always a red flag to me. These are the people who will be very hard to please. I have to ask myself how they can expect to have pick of the litter when I breed for show and to keep something from my litters. I have gotten to a point where I don't tell the puppy buyers all that I have. I only tell them what I have that is available. I have learned quickly to not give out TMI to them.

If I do not feel comfortable about someone or a family, I will not sell them a puppy. As for them taking you to court, let them try, by the time they have to pay out all of the court costs to get anywhere it is not even worth it.

Re: Backing out of sale

Breeder 99
If I do not feel comfortable about someone or a family, I will not sell them a puppy. As for them taking you to court, let them try, by the time they have to pay out all of the court costs to get anywhere it is not even worth it.

For most people it is not worth it. But there are those people that are so driven by anger.... you just never know.

Re: Backing out of sale

NJ Breeder
As previous post stated "accepting a deposit is a guarantee of producing the product/pup" This is true in New Jersey. I will take a deposit after meeting with the family.

Just add a clause on your deposit form that says breeder has the right to cancel sale at any time to his/her disgression. If a cancellation by breeder takes place a full refund of the deposit will be sent within .......time

Then ask them to initial. Be honest and tell them that as rare as it is, sometimes things just don't work out.

Re: Backing out of sale

Not Correct
NJ Breeder
As previous post stated "accepting a deposit is a guarantee of producing the product/pup" This is true in New Jersey. I will take a deposit after meeting with the family.

Just add a clause on your deposit form that says breeder has the right to cancel sale at any time to his/her disgression. If a cancellation by breeder takes place a full refund of the deposit will be sent within .......time

Then ask them to initial. Be honest and tell them that as rare as it is, sometimes things just don't work out.

Thats what I do. I word it as breeder has first refusal on any pups in the litter and therefore may not have a pup available for buyer. Not to be determined until at least 8 weeks of age. If so, deposit will be refunded. buyer(s) and I sign and date.

Re: Backing out of sale

In Va. a cashed deposit or cash accepted is considered a binding contract..IT IS A TWO WAY STREET IN THE EYES OF THE LAW AND YOU CAN TAKE THEM TO COURT FOR THE BALANCE OF THE PUPPY..when they tell you at 8 weeks they just bought a pup for $200. I had someone want their deposit back( at 8 weeks) and when they got nasty I reminded them THEY could be out the ENTIRE price of the puppy. They went away needless to say! Of course there are reasons accepted to return a deposit.