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Anyone know breed counts yet?LOL!!

Re: Piedmont

Nope...but pretty sure it'll be majors

Re: Piedmont

Who cares... I am just going to hang out with Brucie!

Re: Piedmont

Breed counts are on the web page. Link
The judging program will follow in the next day or two. (Still proof reading - bear with us!)

Re: Piedmont

Lets hope the weather men are wrong. 10 days out they are calling for 22 degrees for Friday! Burr..........

Re: Piedmont

WOW!! That is awesome!! Thank you so much for posting!! I hate not knowing how many? LOL!! Have a great day!!

Re: Piedmont

Lets hope the weather men are wrong. 10 days out they are calling for 22 degrees for Friday! Burr..........

They must have changed the forecast. is now showing sunny with a high of 46 and low of 30.

Re: Piedmont

I can assure you we will be in the 60s and dry for both show days. Unfortunately, I'm only in charge of the indoor temperatures.

Funny regarding my earlier comments about proof reading. While I'm convinced that as the years march on, I kant speel so gud, a dear friend (who shall remain nameless unless s/he decides otherwise!) wrote to question my use of "bear with us" - asking, "shouldn't it be BARE with us?" Ummm... not an invitation I'm willing to extend, especially in winter.

We do look forward to seeing you all... just not, er, "all" of you. Safe travels!