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A word of caution - from one Central Florida Breeder to another - BEWARE

There is a couple in the Orlando area looking for a pet yellow male. The have an elite address. They say and do all the right things BEFORE the deposit. Then after the deposit the nightmare begins. They insist on 'picking' their choice of puppy regardless of the breeder and they know more about everything because thay have read Cesar(sp) Milans books. So to hell with anything the breeder has to say. I got out of the deal when I wrote them a letter because they would not commit to a 2nd choice. That's when I received a libelous letter from them which confimed all my questions about them. So I write this so others can be on the lookout and forewarned that if anything happens healthwise to the pup after the sale, I fear the breeder will be in for a long bumpy ride. The price of a pup is not worth the problems later and these people have the money to make your life miserable.

Re: A word of caution - from one Central Florida Breeder to another - BEWARE

Thanks for the heads up.
There are a lot of crazy people out there and I have dealt w/ my fair share.