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Selecting a Food for Dame and Litter

What is your process for feeding a bitch/litter during the pregnancy, post whelp, weaning, and then through when the puppies leave?

I remember something about having to watch the calcium levels and something else in puppy food, as you want the growth to be steady and not let them get lanky, but I can't remember the specifics. Anyone know anything about this?

What brand of food/formula do you use? Any input on OFA ratings after the fact?


Re: Selecting a Food for Dame and Litter

Keep feeding regular food during pregnancy. Switch to puppy when she whelps. Don't add extra calcium like cottage cheese or yogurt. When she is in labor give her calcium if she is having a long labor or is not interested in the puppies. You can give Tums. I give Tums after each puppy is born. Calcium is used in muscle contractions.

Re: Selecting a Food for Dame and Litter

Thanks for the reply! Being that you don't want extra calcium, is there a certain percentage that might be too high when you are evaluating foods? Like I mentioned in my orginal post, I thought there was a certain number for calcium you wanted, you didn't want to be above it because it would be too much.
