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Yellow Lab in Shelter

Hi all,
A yellow female, about 7 years old is in the Thomas J. O'Connor Springfield MA shelter. She is still in holding as they are hoping her owner will claim her. She is a sweet girl. I believe she was picked up in Chicopee, that general area anyway. If anyone knows of someone that lost their Lab, please have them check out TJO. Once the holding period has passed, they will contact Lab Rescue but also place her on the adoption floor.
Please pass on to any friends and relatives in the general Springfield, MA area. Thanks.

Re: Yellow Lab in Shelter

Update on this girl, they think she is actually only 4. No one claimed her so she has hit the adoption floor. Looks like she will be in a home soon. Makes me sad to see such a sweet girl go unwanted by her family, hopefully the ones that adopt her will treat her better.
Makes me worried - how can I guarantee that my pups never end up like this? No matter how much we screen, people can still fool us. I know there are no guarantees but I will certainly continue micro chipping them. It is probably the best way to avoid situations like this.

Re: Yellow Lab in Shelter

Yes, and even though contract states that never are my kids to be placed in a shelter,but to be returned to me, still best to microchip.. Hope she finds a perfect forever home.

Re: Yellow Lab in Shelter

Up until now, I don't microchip 8 week pups. I worry about the chip shifting with growth.

Given these recent stories, I might change my way of doing things and take the chance younger.

I hope the 4 year old finds a new, loving home. Shame on the people that abandoned her.

Re: Yellow Lab in Shelter

she's a spitting omage of one of my retired girls, I had to go double check where her new family lives!!
TG they are in a different state than MA

It says adoption pending...

Re: Yellow Lab in Shelter

Did you see Froggy, the 14 year old black boy. He's to die for. I was happy to read he's in a foster home.

Re: Yellow Lab in Shelter

I will be sure to work with her if she is there tomorrow! She was so sweet when I approached her in holding. And the staff all said she was a doll, but she seemed to have hind end intermittent lameness so they had ordered a lyme test. Not sure what it came back, but maybe they decided they didn't want to bother with her. Shame on some people. Hopefully her new family will give her the love she deserves.
Froggy will probably live out his days in his foster home. I never met him, but understand he is a lot of fun even at 14.
My favorite is Hercules - can't figure out those ears

Re: Yellow Lab in Shelter

I will be sure to work with her if she is there tomorrow! She was so sweet when I approached her in holding. And the staff all said she was a doll, but she seemed to have hind end intermittent lameness so they had ordered a lyme test. ]

They might want to test her for EIC if she is having intermittent hind end issues. The stress of being in a shelter could be triggering episodes.