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Acana Pacifica

I live in Massachsetts and having probles getting my Boys Their Food... Anybody else having issues with this FOOD!! Please get back to me...

Re: Acana Pacifica

Yes they are having huge problems with delivery. #1 is that the plant is moving to a bigger production facility,#2 they changed formulas so that means they have to cacth up again with production and #3 the trucks are delayed.The same aplies to the Acana as well.
I talked with the supply rep yesterday and what little they had that came in went out and they still don't have any word on when the next delivery trucks are arriving. I had to switch my dogs to Evo for the time being as the food more than likely won't arrive for at least another 2 weeks, but who can say, my order has been on back order for the last 3 weeks and I've run out of Orijen.

BTW don't bother calling customer service, they aren't returning calls. My friend who has a grooming/supply shop in Mass. has been trying for the last 3 weeks, everyday left messages to speak with someone, I've left 3 in a 2 week period and no one is calling back.

Re: Acana Pacifica

No problems in VA. Missed an order last week because of snow, but it was here this week.

Re: Acana Pacifica

No, I just had a bag come today, I ordered it from, generally I get it online from whichever place has the best deal on shipping at the time because no store within 150 miles of me carries Pacifica. Have not had any trouble with it being out of stock in over a year. Although before that I had a terrible time finding it in stock.

Re: Acana Pacifica

The guy who owns the store I use said they told him no deliveries until mid-February. He said they are switching to a bigger warehouse. Maybe the formula change is a part of it too. But the good news is that we sometimes have trouble getting it and according to the distributor, the bigger warehouse should fix that.

Re: Acana Pacifica

Hi I checked Pet flow out...This Acana Pacifica is the Provencial type... Is this the new lot?? I was wondering where Pet Flow Located? Look like a wonderful buying option...

Re: Acana Pacifica

They shipped from New Jersey. The bag I got does not expire until Feb 2012, so I suppose that is a very new lot, the bag itself does not say Provincial.

On the cons side I did think that the shipping box was a bit wimpy and too big for the bag of food, but it got here just fine, and it had to come clear to Idaho. Wasn't sure whether this was a good online store, it's pretty new, but the first order went just fine for me. I have also ordered it from but it is more there, although they are great at packaging the order securely.

There is a petflow coupon floating around the internet now for free shipping on >$65 orders, it's FREESHIP , be careful not to let the order form set up automatic deliveries, unless of course that is your plan